September 12, 2024

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COVID-19 Vaccines: AstraZeneca sued by Indian participants

COVID-19 Vaccines: AstraZeneca sued by Indian participants


COVID-19 Vaccines: AstraZeneca sued by Indian participants. Participants in AstraZeneca vaccine trial in India initiate lawsuit, claiming they have suffered “serious side effects”

According to today’s Russian Television (RT) report, an Indian man who participated in the clinical trial of AstraZeneca’s candidate vaccine has filed a lawsuit and claimed that he suffered “serious side effects” during the trial.

According to reports, the plaintiff is a 40-year-old man from Chennai, India. He is suing the Serum Institute (SII) in Pune, India for 500 million rupees (approximately US$676,000). This person claimed that he suffered severe nerve damage after participating in the third phase of the Covishield vaccine. Covishield is an SII version of the COVID-19 vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University. Allegedly, the man was told that the vaccine was safe and chose to participate in the project in a “public service spirit”.

The lawsuit also requires the SII, AstraZeneca and Oxford vaccine teams to immediately stop vaccine trials. According to reports, about 1,600 volunteers have participated in the trial.

The man’s wife told local media that 10 days after receiving the injection, he began to complain of headaches and vomiting. Before being transferred to the emergency room of the hospital, he was bedridden and behaving abnormally. The hospital review concluded that the medical problem has nothing to do with the vaccine. Indian media quoted a medical official as saying that the patient is “well now” and there is no cost incurred due to the health incident.

The man’s discharge record indicated that he asked to leave the hospital and was recovering from “acute encephalopathy”. He also suffers from vitamin B12 and vitamin D deficiencies and is suspected of suffering from “connective tissue disease”. However, the man’s wife insisted that he had not fully recovered and could not work as before.

In September of this year, SII temporarily suspended Covishield’s clinical trials after patients receiving AstraZeneca injections developed adverse symptoms.

India has been criticized for lack of transparency in its COVID-19 vaccine trials. According to the “Science” magazine, SII did not use the same third-stage testing program as AstraZeneca, and also refused to disclose its guidelines.


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