September 12, 2024

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Bill Gates:  not completely conquer COVID-19 pandemic before 2022

Bill Gates:  not completely conquer COVID-19 pandemic before 2022

Bill Gates:  not completely conquer COVID-19 pandemic before 2022. According to foreign media BGR, Bill Gates believes that the United States will not be able to completely conquer the COVID-19 pandemic before 2022. However, Gates believes that life in the United States will return to normal in the summer of 2021. Gates previously stated that because individuals in some countries have already been able to access non-new coronavirus-related medical services, the new coronavirus may eventually cause millions of deaths worldwide.

Bill Gates:  not completely conquer COVID-19 pandemic before 2022

Earlier this week, the cumulative number of deaths related to the COVID-19 virus in the United States exceeded 200,000. Although the death rate has decreased slightly, some experts warned that due to the cold weather and the upcoming flu season, people may see new infections and deaths soar in November.

Bill Gates has previously provided some sharp insights about the COVID-19 pandemic. Gates recently adjusted his timetable for when the United States may finally be able to conquer the COVID-19 virus. Gates said earlier this month that the United States will be able to conquer the virus by the end of 2021 – of course, assuming an effective vaccine arrives later this year.

When Gates attended the Fox News program last Sunday, he said that the epidemic may not end until 2022. “The end of the epidemic, in the best case, may be 2022,” Gates said. “But during 2021, if we take a global approach, we should be able to bring the numbers down. So, you know the vaccine technology is there, the money comes, and the company uses their best people on it. That’s why I am optimistic. I think this will not last indefinitely.”

Of course, Gates’ prediction depends on the development of an effective new coronavirus vaccine. Moreover, it is worth noting that even if the COVID-19 vaccine is only 50% effective, the FDA will approve it. Gates said that he believes that effective vaccines will be approved by the FDA before the end of this year.

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