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What is the difference between synovitis and bursitis?

What is the difference between synovitis and bursitis?

What is the difference between synovitis and bursitis? Synovitis and bursitis are common diseases in life, and the two are essentially different in many aspects.
Synovitis and bursitis are both inflammations caused by aseptic inflammatory stimuli. They are two common diseases in life. Since the two are only “different”, it is not easy for many people to distinguish after seeing a doctor The two are often confused. But in fact, there are essential differences between the two in many aspects. Patients who are not clear can learn about it together based on this article.


1. What is synovitis?

The synovial membrane is the innermost layer of the joint capsule, light red, smooth and shiny, thin and soft, and the connective tissue membrane covering the inner surface of the joint capsule. Its main function is to secrete synovial fluid to lubricate the joint cavity, reduce friction, and protect the joints. 19091610440422465

And synovitis, as the name implies, is inflammation of the synovial membrane in our joints, but note that it is not a disease, but a symptom, just like fever. Many diseases including colds, infections and even postoperative fever can cause fever.

What are the main types of synovitis:

① Postoperative traumatic synovitis

Take the knee joint as an example. In order to have a better surgical vision, the synovium in the joint cavity will be planed during the operation. After the operation, there will be retaliatory growth, and then joint swelling and effusion will occur.

②Chronic aseptic synovitis

A type of synovitis that often occurs in sports injuries, often combined with muscle and tendon injuries.

③Bacterial infection type synovitis

This kind of situation is relatively rare. It is usually caused by foreign bodies entering the joint cavity and synovitis caused by bacterial infection. This kind of situation needs to be cleaned in a special department of the hospital. 63801610440422687

What is the difference between synovitis and bursitis?


Symptoms and treatment of synovitis:

Synovitis is generally caused by trauma, bone degeneration, rheumatism and other diseases. These diseases stimulate the synovium, causing joint swelling, pain, and functional limitation. The hypertrophic joint capsule can be felt on palpation, and it is usually manifested after movement It worsens and relieves after rest, but there is still swelling. If there is no effective treatment, the synovial membrane will be irritated by inflammation for a long time, gradually thickening and adhesion, which will affect the normal movement of joints.

The etiology and pathogenesis of synovitis have not yet been fully elucidated, and there is still a lack of etiological treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the types and symptoms of synovitis in the treatment, and carry out targeted treatment programs.

For synovitis caused by gout, rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis, there is currently no cure. Only standard treatment can be used to effectively relieve the disease, delay further joint disease, and improve or restore joint system functions as much as possible. For synovitis or refractory synovitis caused by meniscus and ligament damage, minimally invasive treatment can be performed under arthroscopy.

Due to the large amount of knee joint activity and the large area of ​​synovial membrane, knee synovitis is more common in clinical practice. When acute synovitis occurs, ice compress, anti-inflammatory analgesics, etc. can be considered to relieve pain and promote the absorption of joint effusion. It is necessary to go to the hospital for standardized treatment in time. Some patients need to extract the effusion in the joint capsule in severe cases. However, the method treats the symptoms rather than the root cause, and should still rest and take anti-inflammatory drugs under the guidance of a doctor.

Chronic synovitis can be treated with traditional Chinese medicines, such as Chinese patent medicines for strengthening the spleen and dampness, promoting diuresis, promoting blood circulation and reducing swelling. At the same time, pay attention to reducing the amount of exercise. If the condition is more serious, it can be treated with a small needle knife.


2. What is bursitis?

The bursa is a closed sac with a small amount of synovial fluid on its inner wall (a few are connected to the joints). It is generally located between the bony process and muscles and skin. The bursa can exist in places with high friction and pressure. Bursitis refers to acute or chronic inflammation of the bursae. 22121610440422836

What are the symptoms of bursitis:

Most of them have a history of chronic injury and occupational history related to disease. There are round or oval-shaped bony processes near the joints, with clear lumps of varying sizes on the edges. Pain and tenderness are obvious in the acute phase, mild in the chronic phase, and the affected limb may have varying degrees of movement disorders, and the superficial bursae may have a sense of fluctuation. In severe cases, there will be swelling and pain; repeated attacks develop into chronic bursitis, which affects joint function.

How to treat bursitis:

The principles of treatment of bursitis are rest and immobilization as much as possible, anti-inflammatory, proper body exercise, and closed treatment. After the pain subsides, exercises to increase muscle strength should be carried out under the guidance of a doctor.

Most bursitis is caused by muscle tension and repeated friction between tendons and bursae. We need to relax the muscles and strengthen muscle control to avoid recurrence. Some patients need closed treatment, and if necessary, anesthetic sedatives. Pay attention to the advice of a professional rheumatologist and go to a regular rheumatism hospital for treatment.

If conservative treatment is ineffective, surgical treatment can be used to achieve radical cure by completely removing the bursa. Regardless of the type of treatment, patients should remember the doctor’s advice, seek medical attention in time, standardize the medication, and adhere to the treatment in order to speed up the recovery and return to normal life. Do not allow the malignant development of inflammation and cause serious obstacles to joint activities.


(sourcechinanet, reference only)

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