July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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How effective is stem cell treatment of knee arthritis? 

How effective is stem cell treatment of knee arthritis? 

How effective is stem cell treatment of knee arthritis?   Stem cell treatment of knee arthritis. In fact, the inflammatory pain caused by joint wear is unbearable. In addition, many painkillers have very large side effects, which have brought great harm to the physical and mental health of middle-aged and elderly people. .

The knee joint is mainly composed of three bones: one is the femur, the second is the tibia, and the other is called the patella. In addition to these three bones, ligaments also have a stabilizing effect. The joint surface also has cartilage, cartilage cells in the cartilage, the growth of cartilage cells, the survival of joint fluid, and healthy joint fluid are very important for joints. Any problems in these areas can cause knee arthritis.

Stem cells treat knee arthritis, the aging of the body may unintentionally show up on the joints. The prevalence of knee osteoarthritis in people over 50 has doubled in 10 years. Data show that 80% of women over 65 have knee osteoarthritis in varying degrees.

It is worth noting that the joints are like a mirror, reflecting the health of the whole body to a certain extent. Most knee arthritis is not an isolated disease, it is closely related to many diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and other cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.


1. What are the symptoms of knee arthritis?  

Just as tires age, so do joints. Cars can be scrapped for more than 10 years, and our joints have been used for 40 years, even for a long time, it is difficult to see the lesions. “Some young people also suffer from arthritis prematurely, which is related to the neglect of joint health care by young people.” Just like a car is not maintained, life expectancy will be shortened. The cold in winter is also a bad stimulus for the joints, so elderly patients with knee arthritis are prone to deterioration in this season.  

The main symptoms of joint disease can be summarized as: redness, fever, pain and movement disorders. Especially symptoms such as joint swelling, pain, swelling, stiffness, fever, and limited mobility.



2. For knee joint health, it is not enough to rely on “protection”, the key is “maintenance”

1). Exercise is indispensable, and strengthening thigh muscles is the best way. Daily “squats” can be done more: back against the wall, feet shoulder-width apart, legs perpendicular to the ground, the angle between thighs and legs should not be less than 90 degrees, keep rest, 3-5 times a day;   

2). Don’t overload exercise. If obese people lose weight properly, being overweight will increase the burden on the knee joint and increase the risk of arthritis.  


3. Usually sun exposure, activates vitamin D in the body, absorbs and uses calcium and phosphorus to make bones stronger.  

In addition, arthritis patients should also pay attention to wearing shoes. It is best to wear soft and flexible soles, such as the inclined heel of casual shoes, which can reduce the influence of gravity on joints and reduce joint wear. Can stem cell injection treat knee arthritis?

Treatment based on stem cells is characterized by that it can effectively help the human body replace or regenerate cells in the body. Generally, stem cells are extracted from the patient’s own body and then implanted in the patient’s body. Stem cells have very good properties. The ability to regenerate and reproduce, under continuous reproduction, can fill the damaged cartilage tissue well, so as to achieve a treatment of joint damage and inflammation.

How effective is stem cell treatment of knee arthritis? Is it really that amazing? Mesenchymal stem cells can be induced in vitro to differentiate into osteoblasts, adipocytes, muscle cells, nerve cells, epithelial cells, etc., and can migrate to the damaged area and participate in the repair of damaged tissues.

How effective is stem cell treatment of knee arthritis? 



The emergence of stem cell therapy has broken some of the bottlenecks in traditional treatments, and brought new breakthroughs and hopes for orthopedic diseases that were difficult to cure in the past, and it can also effectively reduce patients taking some painkillers for a long time on the traditional model. To relieve pain. The currently used stem cell treatment methods are all minimally invasive methods that will not cause too much external trauma to the patient’s body. When these stem cells reach the injured site, they will begin to repair the soft bones of the joints. Under the action of active factors in the damaged cartilage microenvironment, it eliminates inflammation, promotes the repair of knee joint cartilage, rebuilds joint function, induces cartilage regeneration, and treats knee joint cartilage damage.

Stem cell treatment of knee arthritis. In fact, the inflammatory pain caused by joint wear is unbearable. In addition, many painkillers have very large side effects, which have brought great harm to the physical and mental health of middle-aged and elderly people. . With the continuous maturation and development of stem cell therapy, stem cell therapy provides new hope for the cure of osteoarthritis patients.


(sourceinternet, reference only)

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