April 16, 2024

Medical Trend

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What happens to hepatitis B virus carriers in the end? 

What happens to hepatitis B virus carriers in the end?


What happens to hepatitis B virus carriers in the end?

The topic for everyone today is: What will happen to hepatitis B virus carriers?  Can you live this life safely?



The following will mainly explain from six aspects:

  • 1. What is hepatitis B virus carrier;
  • 2. The cause of hepatitis B virus carrier;
  • 3. Will hepatitis B carrier eventually develop into liver cancer and cirrhosis;
  • 4. Hepatitis B virus carrier Those who do not need treatment;
  • 5. Marriage and childbirth of hepatitis B carriers;
  • 6. The life of hepatitis B carriers needs attention.
picture from internet



1. What is hepatitis B virus carrier

some countries is one of the countries with a high incidence of hepatitis B virus infection. The positive rate of hepatitis surface antigen (HBsAg) in the Chinese population is 9.09%, of which more than 80% are hepatitis B virus carriers.

Hepatitis B virus carriers are those who have a positive blood test for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) alone, but have no symptoms and signs of hepatitis, and have normal liver function tests and no changes after more than half a year of observation.

Under normal circumstances, hepatitis B virus carriers will not be affected by normal work and study.


Because the liver function of hepatitis B virus carriers continues to be normal without any clinical symptoms, it is often the first time that hepatitis surface antigen (HBsAg) is found to be positive during physical examination or blood donation, and there is no abnormality in liver B ultrasound.

These people are not hepatitis B patients. Carriers of hepatitis surface antigen (HBsAg) are shown as three big or small yang when undergoing five hepatitis B tests.

However, regardless of whether it is the big three yang or the small three yang, as long as the liver function continues to be normal and there is no abnormality in the B-ultrasound test, it is a hepatitis B virus carrier.


2. Reasons for the formation of hepatitis B virus carriers

The cause of the formation of hepatitis surface antigen (HBsAg) carriers is mainly related to the body’s low immune function to hepatitis B virus.

Hepatitis B virus itself does not cause liver damage.

Its liver damage effect is mainly caused by the body in the process of clearing hepatitis B virus. Causes immune damage to liver cells.

In most carriers of hepatitis B virus, the body’s immune system and virus are in a relatively balanced state, that is to say, the immune system cannot recognize and clear the hepatitis B virus, and the liver damage caused by the hepatitis B virus will not damage the liver function.


In the process of mother-to-child transmission, infants are infected by a large number of invading hepatitis B virus.

At the same time, because the immune system has not yet developed and completed, it lacks immune clearance, and is in a state of “immune tolerance”, which manifests as a long-term hepatitis surface antigen (HBsAg). )carry.

After being infected with hepatitis B virus, adolescents or adults with insufficiency or low immune function can also become carriers of hepatitis surface antigen (HBsAg).




3. Will hepatitis B carriers eventually develop into liver cancer and cirrhosis

If chronic hepatitis is treated in time, the rate of developing liver cirrhosis is about 1%. Hepatitis B virus carrier and chronic hepatitis B are two different pathological concepts.

Among hepatitis B virus carriers, about 20%-30% of people will develop chronic hepatitis, and most other carriers can make hepatitis B virus remain static for a long time. 

Chronic hepatitis B has a probability of cirrhosis of only about 0.01% every year.


For which hepatitis B virus carriers will develop liver tissue inflammation and develop into chronic hepatitis, the current level of medical technology cannot accurately predict.

Therefore, regular physical examinations and timely treatment if abnormal liver function is found are for hepatitis B virus carriers. very important.




4.  hepatitis B virus carriers do not need treatment

Carriers of hepatitis B virus do not need to be treated with medication. Instead, the medication is too much and too mixed, causing liver damage and drug-induced liver damage.

At present, there are no drugs and therapies to make surface antigens negative. Hepatitis B virus carriers can study and work normally




5. hepatitis B virus carriers can marry and have children

Carriers of hepatitis B virus can get married, and their spouses can avoid being infected by regular vaccination of hepatitis B vaccine.

If you are accidentally infected, because the adult immune system is already sound, most people can completely clear the virus and heal completely, and only 5% will become chronic hepatitis B.

Some carriers of the hepatitis B virus are too worried that they will spread the virus to the next generation and dare not give birth.


In fact, if it is a male hepatitis B carrier, the probability of transmission to the next generation through germ cells is very small.

For female hepatitis B carriers, regular mother-to-child blockade is required during delivery, and the possibility of transmission to the next generation will generally be reduced to less than 10%.




6. hepatitis B virus carriers need to pay attention to relevant issues in their lives

Carriers of hepatitis B virus should avoid overwork in their daily life. They should combine work and rest, maintain a happy mood, pay attention to hygiene, clean themselves, and prevent their own blood, saliva, body fluid secretions, etc. from polluting others and the external environment.

Do not share tableware, razors, shaving appliances, toothbrushes, and toiletries with others. Quit smoking and drinking in life, and don’t take drugs that damage the liver at will.

It is also necessary to prevent the spread of other infectious diseases to avoid further liver damage.

Pay attention to proper exercise, a reasonable diet, eat more vegetables, and try to eat less food that is difficult to digest and damage the liver.


Regular physical examinations are required, once every six months to a year. If you feel unwell, you should see a doctor at any time.

The physical examination includes liver function, serum hepatitis B virus infection and liver B-ultrasound examination.

The hepatitis B virus carriers over the age of 40 should also be tested for serum alpha-fetoprotein in order to detect changes in the condition in time, make early detection, and take corresponding treatment measures early. 


Health care, through the above explanations, we have learned that most hepatitis B virus carriers only need to work and rest, do not drink alcohol and take drugs, proper nutrition, regular physical examinations, pay attention to normal physical changes, early detection and early treatment. 


Only when you cherish your body will you have a healthy body and your quality of life will be high.






(source:internet, reference only)

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