September 11, 2024

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Air pressure therapy to prevent Thrombosis

Air pressure therapy to prevent Thrombosis


Air pressure therapy to prevent Thrombosis.  As a new technology for thrombosis prevention, air pressure therapy has become a preventive tool that many patients with “thrombosis tendency” deserve.

Air pressure therapy instrument to prevent thrombosis treatment case: Family members of the patient: Doctor, what are the “stockings” on my mother’s legs?

Doctor: Those are not ordinary “stockings”, but “air sleeves” with special functions.

Family members of the patient: This “air pressure sleeve” is loosened and tightened, and it feels a bit like the massage chair outside.

Doctor: It’s a bit similar, but this “air pressure sleeve” can help patients prevent thrombosis in the lower limbs. This function is particularly important for patients with “thrombotic tendency”.

Air pressure therapy to prevent Thrombosis

Schematic diagram of the principle of air wave pressure therapy instrument


What exactly is “thrombus”?

“Thrombus”, in short, is a substance that blocks blood vessels. These substances are composed of organic substances in the blood (including red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, clotting factors, etc.). Due to various reasons, they aggregate with each other to form solid substances and form blood clots or deposits that “block blood vessels”. That is our topic of this issue-thrombosis.

Air pressure therapy to prevent Thrombosis


Clinical conditions with “thrombotic tendency”

  • Trauma: For example, a major part of the fracture (the incidence of hip fracture is 50%-70%).
  • Surgery: After surgery, major abdominal surgery (15%-30%) and long-term bed rest.
  • Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: such as stroke (30%-60%), congestive heart failure (12%).
  • Others: smoking, pregnancy, malignant tumors, obesity, sedentary status such as long-term flying or riding in a car, oral contraceptives, etc.


“Thrombus” prevention is greater than treatment

Maintain a certain amount of exercise among normal people and people who can move, pay attention to diet, develop drinking habits, eat less high-fat foods, do not drink or drink less, eat breakfast, wear loose footwear, and use elastic stockings if necessary The most effective and simplest way of daily prevention.

Today, the editor introduces another relatively unfamiliar method of preventing thrombosis-pneumatic therapy.


Why air pressure therapy can prevent thrombosis?

Air pressure therapy, specifically refers to the formation of cyclic pressure on the limbs and tissues through the sequential and repeated inflation and deflation of the multi-chamber airbag, uniformly and orderly squeezing the distal end of the limb to the proximal end of the limb, promoting blood pressure and lymphatic The function of flow and improvement of microcirculation accelerates the return of tissue fluid in the limbs, helps prevent the formation of thrombus, prevents edema of the limbs, and can directly or indirectly treat many diseases related to blood and lymph circulation.


Air pressure therapy to prevent Thrombosis

Schematic diagram of air pressure therapy


Can everyone receive air pressure therapy?

Of course not.

  • 1. Extremity weight infection has not been effectively controlled
  • 2. Recent deep vein thrombosis of lower extremities
  • 3. Extensive ulcerative rash
  • 4. People with bleeding tendency

The above patients are forbidden to use air pressure therapy!



Which clinics are air pressure therapy suitable for?

  • Lymphedema of upper and lower limbs, edema of lymphatic drainage disorder.
  • The stump was swollen after amputation.
  • Complex regional pain syndrome.
  • Venous stasis ulcer, prevention of deep vein thrombosis.
  • Varicose veins, limb spasms, chronic diseases caused by veins, for sub-healthy people, especially those who stand for a long time, sit for a long time or stay in bed for a long time, help prevent varicose veins.
  • Physical care for pregnant women.
  • Stay in bed for a long time to prevent muscle atrophy.
  • Diseases caused by interruption of blood circulation, numbness of hands and feet caused by stress relief.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, muscle damage caused by exercise.

As a black technology for thrombosis prevention, air pressure therapy has become a preventive tool that many patients with “thrombosis tendency” deserve.




(source:internet, reference only)

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