July 5, 2024

Medical Trend

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Stem cell therapy has good repair and reconstruction on kidney function

Stem cell therapy can have a good repair and reconstruction effect on kidney function



Stem cell therapy has good repair and reconstruction on kidney function.  Current treatment methods cannot repair damaged kidney tissue and cannot restore some kidney functions, which is an important reason for the high mortality rate of chronic kidney disease.

Renal failure is a pathological condition in which the partial or complete loss of renal function caused by the development of various chronic kidney diseases to the later stage.

Renal failure can be divided into acute renal failure and chronic renal failure. The condition of acute renal failure progresses rapidly, usually due to insufficient blood supply to the kidneys (such as trauma or burns), impaired function of the kidneys due to certain factors, or Toxic damage causes acute renal failure.

The main cause of chronic renal failure is long-term renal disease. With time and the disease progresses, the function of the kidney gradually declines, resulting in the occurrence of renal failure.

The majority of patients with chronic renal failure in the world rely on life-long dialysis to maintain their lives. Dialysis can replace the filtration function of the kidneys. However, many other functions of the kidneys, such as the production of erythropoietin and the activation of vitamin D, cannot be replaced by dialysis.

Some patients with end-stage renal failure need long-term dialysis treatment. When the patient’s own conditions are suitable, kidney transplantation (renal transplantation) can bring a better quality of life to the patient; but kidney transplantation is a big project, although the current medical technology has Quite good, still need to do a lot of pre-assessment in order to improve the chance of successful kidney transplantation.

Current treatment methods cannot repair damaged kidney tissue and cannot restore some kidney functions, which is an important reason for the high mortality rate of chronic kidney disease.

The goal of stem cell therapy is to repair the damaged kidney tissue, restore the original kidney function, and bring a new treatment method for renal failure.

In recent years, the development of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine has made it possible to treat renal failure with stem cells.

Stem cells are a type of pluripotent cell with self-replication ability. Under certain conditions, it can differentiate into a variety of functional cells. According to the developmental stage of stem cells, they are divided into embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. According to the development potential of stem cells, they are divided into three categories: totipotent stem cells, pluripotent stem cells and unipotent stem cells.

Stem cells are underdifferentiated and immature cells that have the potential to regenerate various tissues and organs and the human body. They are called “universal cells” in the medical community.

Stem cell treatment of kidney disease is a treatment method that has become popular in recent years. Because stem cells have “infinite” proliferation, multi-directional differentiation potential, hematopoietic support, immune regulation and self-replication characteristics. It can be used as an ideal “seed” cell to repair tissue and organ damage caused by pathological changes.

After the stem cells are implanted in the body, through the auto-homing effect of the stem cells, the stem cells will automatically transfer to the kidney lesions and differentiate into various types of cells needed to repair the inherent cells of the kidney, restore the kidney function, rebuild the kidney blood circulation, and block And reverse the process of renal fibrosis.

In recent years, basic research on stem cell treatment of nephropathy has found that stem cells can differentiate into kidney intrinsic cells, renal parenchymal cells, etc. Therefore, stem cells have a good repair and reconstruction effect on kidney function after treatment.


Advantages of stem cells:

1. It has strong proliferation ability and multi-directional differentiation potential, which can proliferate and differentiate and produce a large number of offspring.

2. Inhibit the proliferation of T cells and their immune response through the interaction between cells and the production of cytokines, thereby exerting the function of immune reconstitution.

3. Convenient source, easy to separate, culture, expand and purify, and still have the characteristics of stem cells after multiple passages and expansion.

4. Long-term passage does not change the biological characteristics. The ability to differentiate into kidney cells, muscle cells, liver cells, osteoblasts, chondrocytes and other cells.

5. Homing (targeting-targeting). Injury signals can stimulate the migration and differentiation of stem cells to damaged organs and tissues, homing to damaged lesions and repairing damaged cells.

For patients with severe disease and frequent relapses, stem cell therapy is undoubtedly a new effective treatment method, which can not only control the disease activity, but also may cure it, and bring great relief and improvement to the patient’s condition.

Stem cell therapy, as an advanced medical technology, not only brings hope to the treatment of some intractable diseases, but is also bound to lead a new therapeutic revolution in the 21st century.


(sourceinternet, reference only)

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