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Italy may start the booster shot of COVID-19 vaccines on September 20

Italy may start the booster shot of COVID-19 vaccines on September 20


Italy may start the booster shot of COVID-19 vaccines on September 20.  The vaccination rate of Italian medical staff reaches 94%, and Italy may start the booster shot on September 20.


On September 13th. According to Euronet, the European Union News Agency reported that on the 12th local time, the Italian Ministry of Civil Defense reported 4664 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 34 deaths. As of 18:00 that day, there were a total of 4,606,413 confirmed cases across the country, and a total of 129,919 deaths.

According to reports, data released by the Italian National Federation of Physicians (FNOMCEO) on the 12th showed that so far, 94% of medical staff in the country have been vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine. Among the 460,000 registered professional doctors in the country, about 1,500 Of them were not vaccinated, of which 644 doctors were suspended for failing to vaccinate as required.

Data map: September 1, 2021 local time, Milan, Italy, staff check passengers’ green passes at the train station.Data map: September 1, 2021 local time, Milan, Italy, staff check passengers’ green passes at the train station.
Filippo Anelli, president of the Italian National Federation of Surgeons and Dentists, said that during the COVID-19 epidemic, the medical system has experienced the tragedy of many doctors passing away. In the first two waves of pandemics, almost 60 doctors died every month. . However, since the start of the COVID-19 vaccine, there has been no record of deaths of medical personnel.

Zingaretti, chairman of the Lazio region of Italy, said that the Lazio region will start to receive the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on the 13th to ensure the safety and reliability of the vaccination. The entire vaccination will start from vulnerable groups.

Italian Minister of Health Speranza also pointed out that the scope of the use of green passes will continue to be expanded. In addition, starting from the last ten days of September, the country will successively launch the third dose of COVID-19 vaccination, and the details of the beneficiaries of the third dose of vaccine will be announced in the next few days.


(source:internet, reference only)

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