September 17, 2024

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JAMA Cardiology: Sex rarely causes heart disease and sudden death

JAMA Cardiology: Sex rarely causes heart disease and sudden death


JAMA Cardiology: Sex rarely causes heart disease and sudden death. 


In books, television, and movies, men, especially older men, are often depicted, after a burst of passion, suddenly suffering a heart attack and dying in the throes of passion. But does this really happen? Or, how likely is it to happen?


On January 12, 2022, researchers from St. George’s University in the United Kingdom published a research paper in JAMA Cardiology, entitled: Association of Sexual Intercourse With Sudden Cardiac Death in Young Individuals in the United Kingdom.


The research team investigated the risk of death from heart attack due to the passion and energy associated with sex, and found that it is very rare for people to die of a heart attack during or shortly after having sex.


The research team examined patient records at the St. George Cardiology Center for cases of deaths during sex and pooled them. Over the past 16 years, the center has recorded a total of 6,847 deaths from heart attacks, of which only 17 suffered a heart attack during or within an hour of having sex, a rate of just 0.2 percent . Eleven of the 17 were male and six were female, with an average age of 38.


The team noted that the results contradict previous research that suggested that most of these deaths occurred in older men. The new study found that eight people who died of heart disease while having sex had heart disease themselves . The study also found that nine of the deceased had no heart problems at all, but their hearts stopped beating suddenly, a phenomenon known as sudden arrhythmic death syndrome . Two also died of aortic dissection , a condition in which the heart stops beating due to a lack of blood and oxygen, a condition most commonly caused by excessive exercise or illicit drugs that overwork the heart. In addition, more women died than expected.


JAMA Cardiology: Sex rarely causes heart disease and sudden death JAMA Cardiology: Sex rarely causes heart disease and sudden death


Overall, the conclusion of the study beat is that most people, especially older adults, don’t have to worry about heart attack and death when they have sex .




Paper link :

JAMA Cardiology: Sex rarely causes heart disease and sudden death

(source:internet, reference only)

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