September 12, 2024

Medical Trend

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$1 billion annually in research of anti-aging drugs: Saudi Arabia surpasses the United States

$1 billion annually in research of anti-aging drugs: Saudi Arabia surpasses the United States


$1 billion annually in research of anti-aging drugs: Saudi Arabia surpasses the United States.

Recently, Saudi Arabia established a non-profit organization called Evolution Foundation due to concerns that the country’s population is rapidly aging.

The agency plans to devote $1 billion a year from its oil wealth to support basic research in the biology of aging to find ways to extend people’s years of healthy life, a concept known as the “health span.”


The fund is managed by Mehmood Khan, an endocrinologist and former chief scientist at PepsiCo, who said in an interview: “Our main goal is to extend the number of years of healthy life. ” If the foundation is launched, it could receive up to 10% of the annual funding .

One hundred million U.S. dollars. By comparison, the National Institute on Aging’s division, which supports basic research in the biology of aging, spends only about $325 million a year.





Khan also said the fund would fund basic scientific research into the causes of aging , in addition to supporting drug research, including trials of “treatments whose patents have expired or have never been commercialized.”


The foundation has not announced which projects it will support, but sources say it has considered funding a $100 million X Prize for age-reversing technology and has reached a tentative agreement to fund testing of the diabetes drug metformin in thousands of older adults .


It is reported that Saudi Arabia is not “the first person to eat crabs”. Previously, many super rich have targeted this track.

In 2017, Hong Kong’s richest man, Li Ka-shing, invested US$25 million in ChromaDex, a bioscience company specializing in healthy aging.

In 2019, Warren Buffett’s company reached a cooperation with Herbalmax, an American biotechnology company, to enter the field of biotechnology.


$1 billion annually in research of anti-aging drugs: Saudi Arabia surpasses the United States





$1 billion annually in research of anti-aging drugs: Saudi Arabia surpasses the United States

(source:internet, reference only)

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