Nature: Blocking necroptosis prevents severe lung injury associated with severe influenza Nature: Blocking necroptosis prevents severe lung injury associated with...
The Dangers of Humidifiers: Understanding and Preventing 'Humidifier Lung' The Dangers of Humidifiers: Understanding and Preventing 'Humidifier Lung' Humidifiers: Are...
High Blood Sugar Weakens Lung Immunity! High Blood Sugar Weakens Lung Immunity! For the first time, scientists have discovered that...
Radiologists Outperform AI in Identifying Lung Diseases on Chest X-Rays Radiologists vs. Machines: Radiologists Still Outperform Artificial Intelligence in Identifying...
12 ALK Inhibitors for Lung Cancer 12 ALK Inhibitors for Lung Cancer. In non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), there are...
Vitamin K Deficiency Linked to Impaired Lung Function: Associated with Increased Risk of Asthma, COPD, and Wheezing Vitamin K...
A Puzzling No Name Lung Disease Affecting Millions of Smokers A Puzzling No Name Lung Disease Affecting Millions of...
Hidden in cigarettes: a deadly source of radiation - Even filters can't improve it Hidden in cigarettes: a deadly...
The first new drug for smoking cessation in 20 years is expected to come out JAMA: The first new...
The first human lung cell atlas was born: 2.4 million+ cells were sequenced, and a variety of new cell types...
Experiments prove nanoplastics can damage processes in human liver and lung cells Experiments prove nanoplastics can damage processes in...