July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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WHO puts China’s Kexing COVID-19 vaccine on Emergency Use List (EUL)

WHO puts China’s Kexing COVID-19 vaccine on Emergency Use List (EUL)

WHO puts China’s Kexing COVID-19 vaccine on Emergency Use List (EUL).  On June 1, World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the COVID-19 inactivated vaccine developed by Beijing Kexing Zhongwei Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (SINOVAC).  passed the review and was officially included in the “Emergency Use List” (EUL).

WHO puts China's Kexing Covid-19 vaccine on Emergency Use List (EUL). 

The WHO emergency use list procedure refers to the technical review procedure for including new products or products that have not passed the pre-certification into the scope of procurement in response to public health emergencies.

After the global outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, the WHO revised the emergency use procedure guidelines, and passing the EUL review has become a prerequisite to provide vaccines for COVAX countries

Kexing formally submitted an application for inclusion in the emergency use list to the WHO on October 10, 2020, and successively submitted clinical research data, non-clinical research data, quality and pharmaceutical research data, etc., in accordance with the requirements of the WHO, for its assessment of vaccine safety, Effectiveness and product quality are continuously evaluated.

In February 2021, the WHO inspection team conducted an on-site inspection of the Kexing COVID-19 vaccine production line.

On April 29, 2021, the WHO immunization strategy consulting expert group conducted a systematic review of the Coxing COVID-19 Vaccine and concluded its use in the population: on the whole, the benefits of using the Coxing COVID-19 Vaccine are greater than the known risks. Recommended Use.

The European Medicines Agency has also recently launched a rolling review process for Kexing’s COVID-19 vaccine, which is the first step taken by Kexing’s COVID-19 vaccine in the process of obtaining EU approval for use.

Up to now, Kexing has directly or indirectly supplied the COVID-19 vaccine to nearly 40 countries and regions around the world, including China, and the global cumulative supply has exceeded 600 million doses (including semi-finished products).

According to incomplete statistics, more than 430 million doses of Kexing’s COVID-19 vaccine have been vaccinated globally. Kexing Vaccine has become the most widely-supplied COVID-19 vaccine in China, as well as China’s COVID-19 vaccine with the largest export volume and inoculation volume.

At present, the COVID-19 vaccine provided by four companies, including Kexing, Sinopharm, Zhifei and Kangsino, are conditionally listed in China, and national vaccination has been launched. Data Display,

From December 15th last year to May 30th this year, China’s cumulative vaccination dose was 639.17 million doses, of which 315.89 million doses of Coxing’s COVID-19 vaccine were inoculated.

“The output of Kexing’s COVID-19 vaccine is also gradually increasing. On May 31, Kexing supplied 36.83 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine to the world in a single day, of which 3.6 million doses were supplied to Guangdong.

On April 1 this year, the Kexing COVID-19 Vaccine Stock Solution Workshop (Phase III) was completed and put into production. After the start of production, the annual production capacity of the COVID-19 vaccine will exceed 2 billion doses, which will help alleviate the global shortage of COVID-19 vaccine.

(source:internet, reference only)

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