July 26, 2024

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What shoud you next after uterine fibroids are detected?

What shoud you next after uterine fibroids are detected?



What shoud you next after uterine fibroids are detected? How to choose the treatment method for each person, whether surgery is necessary, whether the surgery is a total hysterectomy, partial resection, or just uterine fibroids removal, or minimally invasive treatment, drug treatment, or to trust the professional judgment of the obstetrics and gynecology doctors .

For many female friends, some gynecological diseases are not unfamiliar, and many people have been troubled by menstrual problems and inflammation problems. However, in the face of the “uterine fibroids” test results, there is still unavoidable anxiety.


So, find out uterine fibroids-what should you do?




01.  Don’t worry, don’t panic


Suddenly faced with such a disease name, whoever changes it will be very worried. But what we want to tell you is, don’t be afraid of the name uterine fibroids. Uterine fibroids are benign tumors formed by the proliferation of uterine smooth muscle tissue. They are not the kind that we usually think are serious. Of course, they also have the risk of malignant lesions.


Therefore, if the uterine fibroids are detected, the first step is to see if it is benign or malignant. Most of the uterine fibroids are benign (if they are malignant, please don’t panic, just pull to the last part of this article. The doctor will also tell you that as long as the operation is as soon as possible, the malignant uterine fibroids will not endanger life. ).


Then we might as well put our minds at ease and come to understand what is uterine fibroids? What are the effects of having uterine fibroids?


Epidemiological studies of uterine fibroids show that the incidence of uterine fibroids can reach 20% to 40%, which is the highest among common gynecological diseases. However, due to the slow growth of fibroids, the clinical manifestations are often asymptomatic or mild. Only a few severe patients may have menstrual disorders, acute abdomen, infertility, etc., so the early stages of the disease are often ignored.


So you see, in fact, uterine fibroids are really a very common gynecological disease. The incidence of malignant transformation of this benign tumor is only 1/300. In most cases, not only does it not become malignant, but it does not even show any symptoms of discomfort. .




02.  Why did the disease come to you ?


However, many times it is still difficult for you to accept. Why does the disease come to you ?


Research conducted by the School of Basic Medical Sciences, Capital Medical University, shows that the pathogenesis of uterine fibroids is currently unclear. Many factors can affect the prevalence of uterine fibroids, including age, inflammatory history, family medical history, lifestyle habits, and so on. [1]


And apart from environmental pollution, genes, age, family history and other factors that we cannot intervene, we can see –


1) Dietary factors

If diet problems lead to obesity, it will cause metabolic disorders in the body and make progesterone lack of periodic regulation. The endometrium is more likely to induce uterine fibroids if the hormone is irregular for a long time.


Therefore, it is really possible to get sick from being fat! Remember to control a healthy diet and maintain a reasonable weight~


2) Mental factors

The persistent mental stress in daily life can affect women’s estrogen and progesterone levels, and the increase in estrogen and progesterone levels is a dangerous sign of the onset of uterine fibroids. Epidemiological studies have shown that women with higher education levels are also at higher risk of developing uterine fibroids, which are related to women’s mental stress. So, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. When it’s time for Ah Q, just win the spirit! [2]




03.  What happens if I have uterine fibroids? What to do?


Then, after finishing the previous psychological preparation and understanding of uterine fibroids, let’s take a look at the “consequences” and treatment methods of uterine fibroids.


Although it is a benign tumor, everyone must be very concerned about it. Is there a big chance of canceration for uterine fibroids? Should it be removed? Will it relapse in the future?


First of all, don’t worry, as mentioned earlier, the malignant transformation rate of uterine fibroids is only about 1/300. Moreover, although malignant uterine fibroids that become malignant are also considered “cancers” and are sarcomas, they are not the same as lymphoma and gastric cancer, which are very serious cancers in our cognition. They do not have such a strong “death threat”. It’s malignant, just get an operation in time.

What shoud you next after uterine fibroids are detected?

As for the common benign uterine fibroids, the treatment method depends on the type and size of the uterine fibroids, whether there are symptoms, and the willingness to bear children and the age are determined by the doctor. (Note: Treatment methods include observation, drug treatment, surgical treatment and non-surgical treatment. The ideal treatment method needs to achieve the following goals: improve symptoms and signs, continue to shrink fibroids, preserve fertility and avoid unnecessary harm.)


If the uterine fibroids cause excessive menstrual flow and secondary anemia, or the uterine fibroids are large and compress the bladder and rectum, causing abdominal pain, etc., or if there is a suspected risk of malignant disease, surgery is required.


Here is the hard core science time of uterine fibroids classification. Those who are not interested in anatomy can skip it:


The expert consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of uterine fibroids adopts the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) classification method of uterine fibroids, which is divided into 9 types in total.

  • Type 0: Submucosal fibroids completely located in the uterine cavity;
  • Type 1: Most of the fibroids are located in the uterine cavity, and the part of the fibroids located between the muscle walls ≤50%;
  • Type 2: Fibroids that protrude from the muscle wall to the submucosa, and the part of the fibroids located between the muscle walls>50%;
  • Type 3: Fibroids are completely located between the muscle walls, but their location is close to the mucosa;
  • Type 4: Fibroids are completely located between the muscle walls, neither close to the serosal layer nor to the mucosal layer;
  • Type 5: Fibroids project toward the serosa, but are located between the muscle walls ≥50%;
  • Type 6: Fibroids protrude toward the serosa, but are located between the muscle walls <50%;
  • Type 7: pedicled subserosal fibroids;
  • Type 8: other types (special parts such as cervix, broad ligament fibroids).


Among them, type 0, 1, and 2 are the refinement of submucosal fibroids, which is conducive to the determination of the difficulty of hysteroscopic myomectomy and the choice of surgical methods. Types 3, 4, and 5 are the refinement of intramural fibroids; types 6, 7 are the refinement of subserosal fibroids, which are more suitable for laparoscopic surgical resection; types 2-5 are both protruding into the uterine cavity and For fibroids that protrude into the abdominal cavity, the protruding parts are less than 1/2 of the diameter of the fibroids; type 8 is a fibroids of a special type or a special location, and treatment needs to be individualized. [3]


In other words, how to treat, whether or not to operate, which operation to choose, doctors not only look at the symptoms, look at your willingness to give birth, etc., but also look at the classification of these 9 types.


At present, uterine artery embolization, high-intensity focused ultrasound and other non-traditional minimally non-invasive treatments also provide new options for conservative treatment of uterine fibroids. The State Food and Drug Administration has approved mifepristone, GnRH-a, gossypol and some Chinese medicines as drugs for the treatment of uterine fibroids.


What we are doing is basic science introduction, just to provide some support for women who are troubled by the test results of uterine fibroids. But how to choose the treatment method for each person, whether surgery is necessary, whether the surgery is a total hysterectomy, partial resection, or only uterine fibroids removal, or minimally invasive treatment, drug treatment, or to trust the professionalism of obstetrics and gynecology doctors judgment. I wish you all good health and always healthy!


(source:internet, reference only)

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