July 26, 2024

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COVID-19: Unprecedented Difficulty in United States Next 3 months

COVID-19: Unprecedented Difficulty in United States Next 3 months

COVID-19: Unprecedented Difficulty in United States Next 3 months. Director of the US Centers for Disease Control: The degree of difficulty of COVID-19 epidemic in the United States in the next three months is “unprecedented”  Source: CCTV News

COVID-19: Unprecedented Difficulty in United States Next 3 months

On December 2, local time, Robert Redfield, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, issued a warning to the public that according to the current development of the COVID-19 epidemic, the next few months will be very difficult.

“In fact, December, January and February will be difficult times. I think these three months will be the most difficult times in the history of American public health, mainly because our health care system will be under significant pressure.” Durfield pointed out that 90% of hospitals in the United States have been in the red zone with the worst epidemic indicators.

“In the United States, 90% of our hospitals are located in hot spots in our so-called red zone, so they face an increased risk of inpatients and may affect the capacity of the hospital,” Redfield added, up to 90% in the United States Of long-term care institutions are also currently in a high transmission area, “We are now at a very critical moment.”