July 26, 2024

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COVID-19 vaccine: Many countries have started vaccinations this week

COVID-19 vaccine: Many countries have started vaccinations this week

COVID-19 vaccine: Many countries have started vaccinations this week. Looking forward to mass vaccination ending the epidemic.

“Does this really mean that human beings have seen the dawn of Victory Day (V day) in the fight against the COVID-19 pneumonia epidemic?” Following Russia, the United Kingdom has launched a nationwide large-scale COVID-19 vaccination from today, but facing the British senior officials With the proud boasting of the media, many people are skeptical. As the hardest hit by this global epidemic, many countries in the United States and Europe regard vaccines as the ultimate weapon to end the epidemic, and cannot wait to launch large-scale population vaccination. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will conduct a final review on Thursday and release the COVID-19 vaccination for the general public at the earliest on the 11th.

However, the British “Daily Telegraph” said that many experts still have doubts about the safety of these COVID-19 vaccines in the United States and Europe. The vaccine development work that took nearly 10 years to complete before has been reduced to 10 months, and it is still a new mRNA vaccine. In addition, the storage of vaccines and the many difficulties in mass production and transportation make experts not optimistic. In addition, the West has attacked vaccines in China, Russia and other countries, and even Western countries are also demeaning each other, which are weakening people’s confidence in controlling the epidemic. Berks, the coordinator of the White House’s COVID-19 response task force, warned: “Vaccines are vital, but even if they are available, there is no way to save us from the consequences of the rapid deterioration of the epidemic.”


British Minister boasted “Vaccine Victory Day”

After becoming the world’s first country to approve the launch of the COVID-19 vaccine jointly developed by Pfizer and Germany’s BioNTech, the United Kingdom became the first Western country to vaccinate large-scale populations of the COVID-19 vaccine on the 8th. This has made some British politicians and the media unbearable. The British “Guardian” reported on the 7th that the first batch of vaccines has been shipped to 50 hospitals in England and some hospitals in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and will be vaccinated to people over 80 years old.

The British “Sun” said on the 7th that the UK swept away from the recent decadence and became the first country in the world to carry out large-scale COVID-19 vaccination. According to reports, this week will be a historic week in the United Kingdom, because the British will receive the COVID-19 vaccine for the first time on the 8th, and the United Kingdom will also completely leave the European Union this week. The newspaper created a new term “VAXIT” on the basis of the word “BREXIT”, which means that the British will eventually get out of the epidemic and the predicament of Brexit after being vaccinated. British “I” news network quoted Povis, the director of the National Health Service (NHS), as saying: “This is like the beginning of the end of (the epidemic).” The “Daily Mirror” stated that “the day of hope has arrived.”

“This will be Britain’s Vaccine Victory Day.” British Health Secretary Hancock said excitedly on the 7th that the rapid vaccination of the COVID-19 vaccine means that the United Kingdom can relax its epidemic control measures as early as March next year. In an interview with the “Daily Telegraph”, he said that he has “can’t wait to abolish those prevention and control systems, so that people can return to normal life before spring… There is no doubt that mass vaccination will make us get rid of those nasty things in advance. limits”. Hancock is optimistic that half of the vulnerable people in the UK will be vaccinated by February next year, which allows Parliament to approve the relaxation of restrictions before the expiration date of prevention and control measures on January 27 next year. However, Hancock also admitted that scientists still don’t know whether vaccination can prevent the vaccinated person from spreading the COVID-19 virus (Pfizer can only prove that the vaccine can immunize the vaccinated person), so “we will continue to observe the development of the epidemic.”

In view of the fact that many people still have concerns and doubts about the safety of the vaccine, the British government has launched a vaccine promotion campaign. Hancock said the British government is looking for some “great old people to come forward and get vaccinated.” “Sunday Mirror” published on the front page on the 7th a number of celebrities in the show business who have stated that they will be vaccinated publicly, including 78-year-old travel show host Palin and 85-year-old TV show host Parkinson. “The Times” quoted royal sources as saying that the 94-year-old Queen Elizabeth II and the 99-year-old Prince Philip will be vaccinated within a few weeks. Although vaccination is the Queen’s personal decision, the Queen’s public support can be the best counterattack against the anti-vaccination movement.

“Although the United Kingdom will become the world’s first country to vaccinate the COVID-19 vaccine on a large scale, this should not be the Liberation Day of the United Kingdom.” The Daily Telegraph said that the British Medicines Agency (MHRA) repeatedly claimed that the agency’s vaccine The approval process meets all safety standards. However, drug regulatory agencies and experts in other countries have expressed doubts. The report quoted experts as saying that the UK’s approval of vaccines is based on reports from vaccine companies, while drug regulatory agencies in other countries insist on analyzing raw data themselves.

The storage of vaccines and the many difficulties in mass production and transportation also make experts not optimistic. The “Daily Telegraph” stated on the 7th that the British government had previously stated that it would receive 4 million doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine by the end of this year, but now the British health system also stated that it may only receive 800,000 doses of vaccine this year. Only 400,000 people were vaccinated. In an interview with the BBC, England’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer Fan Tann warned that Pfizer vaccines need to be stored at minus 70 degrees Celsius, and mass vaccination is still difficult.

The British “Observer” said that as the Brexit negotiations between the United Kingdom and the European Union are still pending, there is concern that land and sea traffic may be delayed due to additional customs inspection measures. The British government has made a contingency plan. Once negotiations fail to reach an agreement, it will send military aircraft to transport the COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer’s pharmaceutical factory in Belgium.

Many countries are anxious for mass vaccination

Before the United Kingdom, Russia had started mass vaccination on the 5th. On the same day, Moscow set up 70 vaccination stations to cover more people. The Russian “Izvestia” stated on the 7th that Russians were vaccinated on a voluntary basis, and currently they need to wait in line for vaccination. Due to production difficulties, a shortage of vaccines is expected in Russia in the first few months.

The Associated Press stated that the epidemic in the United States and Europe has reached an unprecedented high level in recent weeks. After the UK started vaccination, the US, Canada and EU countries became more anxious. Hildres, a member of the US FDA Vaccine Advisory Committee, said on the 5th that the committee will meet on the 10th to review Pfizer vaccines and vote on whether to approve emergency use authorization. If the vote is passed, it will be used in the United States from the 11th. US Secretary of Health and Human Services Aza said on the 6th that all Americans who wish to receive the COVID-19 vaccine can complete the vaccination before the second quarter of next year.

German “Der Spiegel” weekly stated on the 7th that France and Germany also deliberately bypass the European Medicines Agency and vaccinate their nationals. The European Union previously ordered vaccines collectively on behalf of 27 member states, but the member states have not yet reached a conclusion on the distribution mechanism. Reports accuse the European Union of slow action on the vaccine issue, which is a nightmare for Europeans.

“The governments of the United States, Europe and other countries are accelerating the approval and mass vaccination of vaccines, but public concerns about vaccine safety have undermined these efforts.” The Wall Street Journal said on the 7th that the latest survey by the University of Hamburg in Germany showed that in 7 European countries Among them, about 40% of the respondents did not want to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. The latest poll by the Pew Research Center in the United States showed that 39% of Americans said they would not get vaccinated, and 62% said they did not want to be the first group to be vaccinated.

South Korea’s “Joongang Ilbo” stated on the 7th that the global vaccine procurement statistics of Duke University’s Global Health Innovation Center show that at least 12 countries have contracted to purchase more than 3 vaccines, of which the United Kingdom and Canada have contracted to purchase 7 vaccines, and the United States , EU and Indonesia purchased 6 models, Australia and Mexico purchased 4 models. Faced with the inability to judge which vaccine is safer and more effective, countries have adopted a strategy of purchasing a large number of multiple vaccines. Park Eun-cheol, a professor in the Preventive Medicine Department of Yonsei University School of Medicine in South Korea, believes that “we should purchase five or six different vaccines separately” and “if we rely on only one vaccine, once a problem occurs, it is easy to be devastated.”

“This is the worst year”

“The COVID-19 vaccine can make people’s lives return to normal?” South Korea’s “Korean National News” issued such a question on the 7th. Although the emergence of the vaccine has given people hope to overcome the COVID-19 epidemic, the fight against the COVID-19 virus will not be a quick fix.

Most countries in the world have called for joint action to fight the epidemic, but some countries have engaged in “vaccine nationalism” and undermined the world’s fight against the epidemic. On the 6th local time, Krebs, the former director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Bureau of the U.S. Department of Land Security, who was dismissed for contradicting Trump on the issue of “election fraud”, claimed in an interview with the media that Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are trying to “steal” the intellectual property rights of the COVID-19 vaccine through “espionage”.

The Russian “Viewpoint” stated that while the West praised the country’s vaccines for being “effective”, they did not forget that the vaccines against Russia and China were “opaque.” According to the report, the European Union used discriminatory methods to postpone the certification of the Russian “Satellite V” vaccine. Tourists who have not received the EU-certified vaccine may be refused entry by EU countries. In response, Russian State Duma member Onishchenko warned that if the EU takes such measures, Russia will also take corresponding measures against European citizens.

“This is the worst year.” The US “Time” weekly published the latest cover design on the 5th. On the cover, 2020 in black on a white background is drawn with a red cross. The Institute of Health Indicators and Evaluation of the University of Washington predicted on the 6th that by April 1 next year, the number of deaths from COVID-19 pneumonia in the United States may reach 539,000, and the daily death toll will reach a peak of 3,000 in mid-January. The report also said that vaccination is expected to reduce only about 9,000 deaths by early April next year. But if 95% of Americans wear masks this winter, 66,000 lives could be saved.

On the 7th, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus tweeted that the global pandemic requires a global response. Only when countries around the world act together can we achieve great results. Regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, he previously said that the use of the vaccine alone will not end the pandemic.


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