July 26, 2024

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China’s COVID-19 vaccine is welcomed by many countries!

China’s COVID-19 vaccine is welcomed by many countries!


China’s COVID-19 vaccine is welcomed by many countries! With the use of China’s COVID-19 vaccine in China and other countries, the safety and effectiveness of China’s vaccine have been increasingly recognized by health authorities and professionals in many countries. More and more countries and regions choose to vaccinate China’s COVID-19 vaccine.

China's COVID-19 vaccine is welcomed by many countries

According to Singapore’s Lianhe Zaobao, on January 13, Indonesia will begin to vaccinate the COVID-19 vaccine developed by China Kexing in 34 provinces across the country. President Joko will take the lead on that day. Since December last year, more than 10 countries around the world, including the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, Pakistan, Turkey, Argentina, Egypt, Brazil, Thailand, Mexico, and Peru, have signed COVID-19vaccine order agreements with China.

Since China’s first COVID-19 vaccine was approved for marketing conditionally, the Chinese government has firmly fulfilled its commitments, attaches great importance to the accessibility and affordability of vaccines in developing countries, and strives to make vaccines accessible and affordable to people in all countries. Global public goods. Under the haze of the epidemic, the Chinese vaccine is like a ray of sunshine, injecting confidence and hope into the global fight against the epidemic.


“Starting an upsurge in ordering China’s COVID-19 vaccine”

“After filling in electronic forms for personal health and allergies as required, people took buses into a temporary vaccination center in a certain park. Some people wore two-layer medical surgical masks. TV pictures showed that people were in some hospitals and communities. There was a long queue outside the health center to read the informed consent and take the temperature before the vaccination. Gymnasiums and empty factories were also used as vaccination points.” This is a report in Singapore’s “Straits Times” describing people in Beijing on January 4 The scene of the COVID-19 vaccine.

On December 30, 2020, the China National Medical Products Administration approved the conditional listing of Sinopharm’s COVID-19 vaccine. This is China’s first n COVID-19 vaccine officially approved for marketing and vaccinated by key populations, which has attracted widespread attention from foreign media.

CNN stated that China’s approval of the vaccine and the start of vaccination will pave the way for the large-scale promotion of the vaccine in China and globally.

The US “Washington Post” published an article on January 4 that China has launched a nationwide COVID-19 vaccination campaign and will vaccinate 50 million front-line anti-epidemic personnel before the peak of the Spring Festival trip in February. The nine types of key populations that enjoy priority vaccination rights include medical and health personnel, transportation personnel, personnel who go abroad for work and study, and community workers.

Recently, many countries around the world have set off an upsurge of “queuing” to order and vaccinate China’s COVID-19 vaccine. According to Agence France-Presse, Egypt’s Minister of Health and Population, Hala Zayed, stated on January 2 that Egypt has officially approved the emergency use of China’s Sinopharm’s COVID-19 inactivated vaccine in Egypt. The first batch of vaccines from China was in place in December 2020, and the second batch will arrive in the second and third weeks of January this year. Egypt plans to order 40 million doses of vaccines from China. The two sides have signed the “Letter of Intent on Cooperation between China and Egypt on New coronavirus Vaccine” on December 31, 2020.

According to the British Financial Times, the COVID-19 vaccine developed by China Sinopharm was officially registered in the UAE in early December 2020. The UAE government has now expanded the scope of vaccination to all adults in the country. The Wall Street Journal reported that this is a major vote of confidence in the safety and effectiveness of China’s vaccines by the UAE government.

Local media in Mexico reported that on December 10, 2020, Mexico and China CanSino signed a COVID-19 vaccine pre-purchase agreement and decided to purchase 35 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine developed by the company.


“Scientifically certified for safety and effectiveness”

 “China’s vaccines do not require ultra-low temperature storage, which brings hope to people living in remote areas.” Mexican President López said in one sentence the reason for his vote of confidence in China’s vaccines. He also said: “Cansino vaccine has been used in China for a long time and the effect is good.”

Safety and effectiveness are the primary reasons for China’s n COVID-19 vaccine circle. Since July 2020, a number of China’s COVID-19 vaccines have successively carried out Phase III clinical trials in overseas countries, and the efficacy of the drug is obvious to all around the world.

According to a report by Singapore’s “Straits Times” on January 3, Siti Nadia Tamiz, the spokesperson of the Indonesian Ministry of Health in charge of vaccines, said that the clinical trials of China Kexing’s vaccines in Turkey and Brazil have achieved “very good results. This is also true of the results of the third phase of the ongoing Indonesian clinical trial.

Reuters reported that test data from Turkey showed that the effectiveness of China’s COVID-19 vaccine reached 91.25%.

According to the Egyptian Today, Egyptian Minister of Health and Population, Hala Zayed, said that the Phase III clinical trial of Sinopharm’s vaccine in Egypt is progressing smoothly, and its safety and effectiveness have been scientifically certified.


Easy storage and convenient transportation are the unique advantages of China’s COVID-19 vaccine.

Usama Abdul-Hayi, secretary general of the Egyptian Medical Association, said that the new nucleic acid vaccines developed in some countries must be stored at minus 70 degrees Celsius, and some vaccines must be used within one to two weeks after production. This means that the production, transportation and storage of vaccines are facing many practical difficulties, and some countries are still unable to deal with these problems. Therefore, the COVID-19 vaccine developed and produced in China is more suitable for use in Egypt, and it is recommended that Egyptian medical staff vaccinate it as soon as possible.

According to the website of Fortune magazine, Huang Yanzhong, senior researcher of global health at the US Council on Foreign Relations, said that restrictions on the transportation and distribution of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines will be a gap in the global supply of COVID-19 vaccines, and China’s COVID-19 vaccines may fill this gap. China’s vaccine candidates will be very attractive to low- and middle-income countries, especially those countries that cannot afford or cannot maintain cold chain delivery of vaccines.

According to the Wall Street Journal, when developed countries are purchasing vaccines from Western drugmakers with all their strength, other countries are pinning their hopes on China. The vaccines of Kexing Holdings can be stored in ordinary refrigerators, making it easier to transport and store the vaccines in underdeveloped areas.


 “Provide a strong guarantee for the global fight against the epidemic”

 On December 29, 2020, envoys to China from European, Asian, and Latin American countries and representatives of international organizations visited the Beijing Institute of Biological Products of Sinopharm Group to learn about the latest results of China’s COVID-19 vaccine development. Visitors have expressed that such visits have allowed the world to see China’s strong guarantee for the global battle against the COVID-19 pneumonia.

Malaysian Ambassador to China Raja Datuk Nusirwan said that China has made great progress in the research and development of various vaccines, which sends a positive signal to the global fight against the epidemic. Today we have also learned that China has the ability to manufacture vaccines in considerable quantities. This is a huge contribution to the world.

In October 2020, China joined the “New coronavirus Pneumonia Vaccine Implementation Plan.” Envoys of various countries and representatives of international organizations believe that China is taking concrete actions to promote the fair distribution of vaccines and fulfill its commitment to make the COVID-19 vaccine a global public product.

Sri Lanka’s Minister to China Yugnadan stated that China’s commitment to vaccines as a global public product will enable everyone to obtain vaccines, especially in developing countries that are in urgent need of vaccines. Sri Lanka has learned a lot of experience from China. We are actively communicating with the Chinese government and scientific research institutions on the vaccine field.

Magnus Julem, Counselor of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in China, said that China’s commitment demonstrates its responsibility as a major country. After understanding the speed of China’s research and development of vaccines and its high standards for production, Norway is also developing close cooperation with China in the field of vaccines.

The Japan Times reported that China’s vaccine approval indicates that China has made progress in the global race to develop a COVID-19 vaccine. Many developing countries are paying close attention to the effectiveness and safety data of Chinese vaccines because it is difficult for them to obtain vaccines from Western drugmakers, so they are looking for alternatives from China and Russia.

Spain’s EFE News Agency quoted China expert Julio Rios as saying: “At present, China is one of the first countries to master the COVID-19 vaccine. This shows that its scientific research capabilities are growing exponentially, making it comparable to those in the world. The most technologically advanced country.” He said that China provides the COVID-19 vaccine as a global public product to the world, fully demonstrating its position of developing international cooperation, and will enhance its position in the minds of many countries. Facing the negative performance of developed countries, these countries will be deeply impressed by China’s active efforts.


(source:internet, reference only)

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