July 26, 2024

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Lancet: Rich countries Snapped up about 70% of COVID-19 vaccines

Lancet: Rich countries Snapped up about 70% of COVID-19 vaccines


Lancet: Rich countries Snapped up about 70% of COVID-19 vaccines.  This may lead to prolonged global pandemic crisis.

Lancet: Rich countries Snapped up about 70% of COVID-19 vaccines

The international medical journal “The Lancet” published on its official website a paper titled “Challenges in Globally Obtaining New coronavirus Vaccines: Production, Affordability, Distribution, and Deployment” on February 12, stating that the COVID-19 vaccination has been approved in many countries around the world, guaranteeing Adequate production, cheap supply, and global release of vaccines are important factors in curbing the spread of the epidemic. However, rich countries have snapped up about 70% of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The paper shows that less than a year after the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, there is a huge gap in the price of vaccines currently being supplied around the world. The cheapest is about US$5 per dose, while the most expensive is more than US$60. Rich countries have snapped up a large number of vaccines, estimated to account for 70% of the current total. Low-income and middle-income countries account for about 85% of the world’s population, but they may not be able to obtain sufficient doses of vaccines due to lack of funds, which will lead to a prolonged global epidemic crisis.

The paper also provides the raw data of the survey on the acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccine in 32 countries from October to December 2020. Vietnam (98%), India (91%), and China (91%) have the highest vaccine acceptance rates, while Serbia (38%), Croatia (41%), and France (44%) have the lowest vaccine acceptance rates.

The paper emphasizes that safe and effective vaccines have great social value. However, if it is not vaccinated in time, the new vaccine will have a very limited effect on controlling the spread of the virus worldwide. This goal requires that, economically, the price of vaccines must be generally affordable, and governments must also have the administrative capacity to provide vaccines locally.


(source:internet, reference only)

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