July 26, 2024

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COVID-19 Vaccines: Asian Countries Scheduling

COVID-19 Vaccines: Asian countries Scheduling

COVID-19 Vaccines: Asian countries Scheduling . Asian countries have taken action: India and Japan set out the vaccination schedule, South Korea announced the vaccine procurement plan.

While Western countries started mass vaccination of the COVID-19 vaccine, Asian countries are also taking action. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) quoted an anonymous health official from the Indian government on the 18th and reported that India is expected to vaccinate the people with the COVID-19 from January next year, with the goal of covering 300 million people by early August next year. 

COVID-19 Vaccines:  Asian countries Scheduling

China, India, Japan and South Korea have begun vaccination schedule

China vaccination

Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post quoted people familiar with the matter as saying on the 18th that China plans to vaccinate 50 million people against the COVID-19 before the peak travel period for the Spring Festival. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said on the same day that it is recommended to inquire relevant authorities

India Vacciantion

The BBC stated that the first group of people to be vaccinated in India were police, soldiers, municipal workers and frontline medical staff. Some candidate vaccines may obtain emergency use authorization from the drug regulatory authority as soon as possible in the next few weeks. Currently, the Indian government is keeping in touch with many local and foreign vaccine manufacturers. The COVID-19 vaccine produced by the Serum Institute of India and the British pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, as well as the vaccine developed by the Bharat Biotechnology Company of India and the Medical Research Council of India, have submitted an emergency use authorization application to the government. In response to the adverse reactions of volunteers who have undergone vaccine testing, the Indian government stated that it will respond to possible side effects during the large-scale vaccination process in a “transparent and professional manner”. According to the “Times of India” report, the Indian Ministry of Health said on the 17th that vaccination was “completely voluntary”, but it is recommended that those who decide to vaccinate should complete the entire vaccination process to obtain a better immune response regardless of whether they have been infected with the COVID-19 before. According to reports, the vaccine may be injected in two stages, 28 days apart. As of the 18th, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of new coronaviruspneumonia in India has exceeded 9.97 million.

Japan Vaccination

As of the 18th, Japan, with a total of nearly 200,000 confirmed cases, is also reviewing the purchase of vaccines. According to a report from the Yomiuri Shimbun on the 18th, the US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer said on the same day that it had applied to the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare for the use of the COVID-19 vaccine in Japan. Pfizer requires the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to adopt “special approval” to shorten the approval period. In Japan, the approval time for general drugs is about one year, but the Japanese government added new coronavirus pneumonia to the list of diseases for which “exceptional approval” can be used in May this year. According to the purchase agreement reached earlier, the Japanese government plans to purchase 60 million copies of the COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer by June next year. Japan’s NHK TV website said on the 18th that the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan has issued instructions to various localities to start vaccinating medical practitioners with the COVID-19 vaccine in late February 2021. The elderly will be vaccinated in late March, and others will be vaccinated after April. , And ensure the supply of vaccines. In addition to Pfizer, Japan has also reached purchase agreements with AstraZeneca and Moderna. Japan’s vaccine purchases totaled approximately 290 million doses.

South Korea vaccination

According to Yonhap News Agency on the 18th, the South Korean government also announced the COVID-19 vaccine procurement plan that day. According to reports, the South Korean government will strive to sign a COVID-19 vaccine procurement agreement with US drugmakers Yang Sen and Pfizer within this month, and sign an agreement with Moderna in January next year. It also plans to sign AstraZeneca before the import date from February to March next year. vaccine.

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