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CDC: All Americans will get COVID-19 vaccine by third quarter 2021

CDC: All Americans will get COVID-19 vaccine by third quarter 2021

CDC: All Americans will get COVID-19 vaccine by third quarter 2021. The vaccination of the COVID-19 vaccine in the United States will start in November or December, but the initial number of vaccines is limited, and only those who need it most can be vaccinated first. The entire process of vaccination for the American public takes about “six to nine months.”
The Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said on Wednesday that the United States expects that there will be enough COVID-19 vaccines to allow Americans to return to “normal lives” by the third quarter of 2021.

US CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield (Robert Redfield) said at a Senate panel hearing on Wednesday that he expects the US COVID-19 vaccine will start in November or December, but the initial number of vaccines is limited and only the most needed People who are vaccinated first, such as medical staff. He also said that the entire process of vaccination by the American public takes about “six to nine months.”



CDC: All Americans will get COVID-19 vaccine by third quarter 2021


However, Redfield’s testimony was criticized by US President Trump, and the US CDC subsequently withdrew Redfield’s testimony. The CDC in the United States stated that Redfield’s schedule refers to the time when all Americans will be immunized, rather than the time period during which vaccine doses will be provided to all Americans.

The US CDC is already preparing for the distribution of the vaccine. Senior officials said that once a potential COVID-19 vaccine is approved, the vaccine can be distributed within a day and delivered to distribution locations across the United States. The government will use medical supplies company McKesson as the main distributor of vaccines. The most promising vaccine manufacturers have already started large-scale production.

The development of a vaccine usually takes four to six years. However, under the urgent situation of the COVID-19 pneumonia epidemic, three drugmakers are currently conducting large-scale post-testing of potential vaccines in the United States, and hope to know whether they can play a role before the end of the year.

However, since most of the vaccines currently in clinical trials may need to be vaccinated twice at different intervals, states in the United States still face logistical challenges, such as setting up distribution locations and obtaining enough immunization needles, syringes and glass bottles.

Earlier in the day, the US CDC outlined a comprehensive plan to provide all Americans with the COVID-19 vaccine for free. In the plan, the agency stated that it expects that the coronavirus vaccine will first be authorized for emergency use before it is officially approved.

The US CDC stated that when a large number of vaccines are available, there will be two main goals: to provide a wide range of opportunities for use, and to ensure a high level of immunization for the target population, especially those at high risk of death or complications from the COVID-19. The agency also said that various plans are being developed to obtain legal and regulatory support and ensure that Americans are not charged out-of-pocket costs for vaccine administration.

Earlier this month, the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine issued a draft proposal suggesting that the vaccine will be distributed in four stages. Medical staff, the elderly, and those with basic health conditions should be vaccinated first.

Redfield told lawmakers that he had already conducted a “mini-plan” for vaccine distribution in five jurisdictions in North Dakota, Minnesota, California, Florida and Philadelphia.

But even if the government is planning to distribute the vaccine before the end of this year, many polls now show that Americans are still hesitant to get the vaccine.

According to a poll conducted by the Caesars Family Foundation this month, only 42% of Americans say they want a vaccine, which is far from reaching the level of 60% to 80% needed to achieve herd immunity.

As of last month, as part of the “Rapid Action” initiative for the COVID-19 vaccine, the US government has invested tens of billions of dollars in six potential vaccines. These funds are invested in pharmaceutical companies including Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca. The COVID-19 vaccines developed by the company have all entered phase III clinical trials.

Dr. Robert Kadlec, Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response Affairs of the US Department of Health and Human Services, told lawmakers on Wednesday that the US government may need to spend another $20 billion to ensure that every American can be vaccinated against the COVID-19.

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