July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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COVID-19: Supplement protein to improve your immunity

COVID-19: Supplement protein to improve your immunity


COVID-19: Supplement protein to improve your immunity.   Protein is an important component for building all cells, tissues and organs of all organisms, especially the human body.



Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pneumonia, everyone has been asking: How can we resist the virus? How to maintain good self-immunity?

Immunity is the body’s ability to resist diseases and foreign pathogenic factors, such as bacteria and viruses. Factors affecting the development of immune-related tissues and organs will affect their immunity. In addition to uncontrollable factors such as heredity, age, and gender, it is also worth paying attention to controllable factors such as nutrition and environment. The nutritional status of the human body is the basis for the immune system to fight against external pathogens, and it is also a key factor affecting immunity.

Protein is an important component that constructs all cells, tissues and organs of all organisms. This is especially true for the human body. 70% of the solid components in human cells are protein, so there is no life without protein. Whether it is cellular immunity or molecular immunity, its biological components are mainly protein and some micronutrients.


Diet tips to maintain good resistance

—— Choose high-quality protein, various types, grasp the intake, and appropriate cooking methods


Usually animal protein is better than plant protein. The recognized high-quality protein is milk, meat, fish protein and soy protein in plant protein. However, please note that for infants and children, if there are conditions to get animal foods such as meat, eggs, fish milk, etc., it is best not to rely too much on soy foods to provide protein.

For most residents in some countries, they eat more meat and less fish, and pork intake is relatively high. Pork contains more fat and has a high energy density, which can easily lead to excess energy intake, which is the main cause of overweight and obesity. Therefore, the types of foods rich in high-quality protein should be changed frequently, and one or two of them should not be consumed for a long time. And even high-quality protein foods should not be taken too much, so as to avoid excessive fat intake, resulting in excess energy, leading to overweight and obesity.


How much to eat

For the general population, maintaining sufficient and balanced amino acids (decomposition products of protein) in the body is the key to maintaining a healthy immunity and a strong body. The dietary guidelines for Chinese residents recommend that healthy adults should consume 1.0-1.2g protein per kilogram of body weight per day, and high-quality protein such as animal protein and soy protein should account for 30%-50% of the total dietary protein intake. Therefore, it is currently recommended that a healthy adult consume 40~75g of meat (including pork, beef, mutton, poultry and offal, etc.), 40~75g of aquatic products, 40~50g of eggs, 300g of dairy products, whole grains and 50~150g of miscellaneous beans and 10g of nuts.


Limit intake

Protein requirements also vary from person to person. For example, patients with kidney disease: To reduce the metabolic burden of the kidneys, protein intake should be appropriately reduced, and the intake of high-quality protein should be the main factor; patients with increased uric acid and gout: To control the body Purine content, need to control the intake of animal protein; malnourished or convalescent patients: increase protein intake accordingly, if necessary, add 10-20g of whey per day based on your daily diet Protein supplements such as egg white or milk protein to meet the body’s needs.


Excessive intake

Excessive protein intake generally refers to the long-term intake of protein with more than 35% of total calories, which will increase the metabolic burden of the liver and kidneys, lead to the accumulation of toxins in the intestines, and even affect the body’s bone density and cause osteoporosis.


Cooking methods

Proper cooking and processing will increase the rate of protein digestion and absorption, and its nutrients will also be better used by the body. The more suitable cooking methods are generally: steaming, boiling, stewing, which can not only improve the digestion and absorption rate, but also kill the microorganisms that it may contain, because protein-rich foods are also the most favorable soil for the growth of microorganisms. Through these cooking methods , Can ensure food safety.

In general, the dietary trick to maintain a good resistance is to choose high-quality protein, a variety of types, frequent replacement, grasp the protein intake, and a reasonable cooking method is the correct way to open it.


(source:internet, reference only)

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