July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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Pfizer: The 4th COVID shot is Necessary to control virus! 

Pfizer: The 4th COVID shot is Necessary to control virus! 


Pfizer: The 4th COVID shot is Necessary to control virus! 


Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said on Sunday: To control the virus, the fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine is essential.

Pfizer: The 4th COVID shot is Necessary to control virus!  Pfizer: The 4th COVID shot is Necessary to control virus! 


While the pre-sequence dose from the Pfizer and BioNTech collaboration still prevents severe illness, they believe another booster dose is needed to ward off infection.
Pfizer has notified the FDA that it will apply for approval for a fourth dose of the vaccine .


Pfizer: The 4th COVID shot is Necessary to control virus! 


Pfizer spokesman Steven Danehy said Bourla was referring to “early and preliminary” data, ” We will continue to collect and evaluate all available data and maintain an open dialogue with regulators and health authorities to help develop a vaccine for COVID-19 as the virus evolves. strategy informs.”


A cohort study published last month by the U.S. CDC found that among people who had received a third dose of the mRNA vaccine four to five months earlier, vaccine effectiveness had dropped to 66 percent on Covid-19 emergency or urgent care visits . In the same group, the vaccine was 78 percent effective against COVID-19 hospitalizations.




Fourth dose or in the fall? How many more shots are needed? no one knows

Federal health officials have also previously indicated that additional boosters may be needed to stem a new wave of the virus. Although for most people, it may not be possible to get vaccinated until the fall .

Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel also hinted at the need for a fourth shot in the future.

“After a relatively quiet spring and summer, Americans are likely to need a fourth dose before the typical flu season this fall. We should still be cautious because, as we’ve seen, Delta, which comes after Alpha, is more virulent. Of course there is always the possibility of a more virulent variant. The protection that people get from the third shot is good enough, actually pretty good at reducing hospitalizations and mortality…not so good at protecting against infection, But none of these immunities last long .”

Executives say companies are racing against time to test new versions of the vaccine, hoping regulators will give the green light for a fourth shot ahead of a potential “fall boost season.”


But officials also said the timeline for the fourth shot could be accelerated for groups more vulnerable to severe breakthrough infections as the virus continues to spread.

Currently, officials recommend that the vast majority of American adults get two doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, followed by a booster five months later. For immunocompromised people, a fourth dose is recommended for enhanced protection.

Fauci has also said in the past that a fourth dose may be needed soon. But also admitted that ” we don’t know what the future vaccine will look like, or how many shots might be needed” .

He believes there will be more demand for the vaccine at some point in the future, but he cannot say with certainty the timing or dose. “The answer is – we don’t know, that’s it, the issues involving vaccines are probably not over yet”.


The United States is entering the end , but the virus may require regular vaccinations , or will persist for a long time to come. How long it will last is uncertain, and even some of the world’s top health experts can’t give reliable answers about how many shots people need and how often.


Pfizer’s biggest rival, Moderna, estimates that the two vaccine sellers will have combined revenues of $51 billion this year. That number will rise further if governments around the world start purchasing a fourth shot of the vaccine.

Both companies have come under fire for their focus on profit over saving lives during the pandemic, as well as control over vaccines.


According to the CDC, nearly half of fully vaccinated adults in the U.S. and more than two-thirds of older adults have received a booster shot.


In addition to the fourth dose, the company is trying to create a new vaccine that “will protect against all variants, including omicron, which also provides protection for at least a year,” said Pfizer Chief Executive Officer Albert Bourla. Omicron is the first expert to evade immune protection variants of the virus. But we also know that immune protection doesn’t last long.”



Fauci: It’s time to get back to normal

It has been two years since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 epidemic a global pandemic on March 11, 2020.

While virtually all countries have been hit by the virus, the U.S. has the highest total number of cases in the world.

U.S. cases have been falling rapidly since the winter omicron surge peaked in mid-January , but more than a thousand deaths from Covid-19 are still being reported on average each day.


U.S. COVID-19 cases have generally begun to shrink, and some states have even escaped the impact of the outbreak entirely.

Many states have halted or limited daily reporting of Covid-19 cases altogether, making it harder to continue tracking existing cases, and even Johns Hopkins University didn’t update the data Monday morning — a waning focus on daily case numbers .


Epidemic prevention orders are also being lifted across the country , and all 50 states will have no mask orders after next week.

In California, Gov. Newsom even announced last month that the state would soon start treating COVID-19 as a pandemic rather than an outbreak.


While Fauci, who is director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has tended to handle the virus cautiously over the past two years, even he is starting to look ahead to a post-pandemic America.

Fauci said it was time to start a “gradual” return to normalcy . ” Everybody wants to get back to normal, everybody wants to put the virus behind me, and I think that’s what we should aspire to. A return to ‘normal’ may still require Americans to get regular Covid-19 vaccines and control the virus, similar to recommending everyone annual flu vaccine.”


Pfizer: The 4th COVID shot is Necessary to control virus! 



Pfizer: The 4th COVID shot is Necessary to control virus! 

(source:internet, reference only)

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