May 14, 2024

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10 Recommendations to Address Male Infertility Issues

International Expert Alliance Proposes 10 Recommendations to Address Male Infertility Issues


International Expert Alliance Proposes 10 Recommendations to Address Male Infertility Issues

An international expert alliance has put forward 10 recommendations aimed at increasing the joy of fatherhood for men and the chances of conceiving healthy children.

According to statistics from the World Health Organization, approximately one out of every six couples of childbearing age faces infertility issues, with about half of these cases attributed to male factors.

With male infertility on the rise globally, researcher Sarah Kimmins and 25 international experts emphasize that men have the right to meaningful diagnosis and targeted treatments, which regrettably are largely unavailable at present.


International Expert Alliance Proposes 10 Recommendations to Address Male Infertility Issues


Due to limited understanding of the causes of male infertility and inadequate clinical tools, treatments for male infertility primarily focus on female interventions, often involving invasive procedures that can be both cumbersome and risky.

A research group comprising 25 scientists, led by Moira O’Bryan, Dean of the Faculty of Science at the University of Melbourne, published a consensus report in the journal “Nature Reviews Urology,” unveiling 10 recommendations that could improve the health of men and their offspring while alleviating the burden on their female partners.

Sarah Kimmins, a researcher at the CRCHUM research center and a professor at the University of Montreal, is the lead author of the report and a leading expert in male reproductive health and gene-environment interactions.


Lifestyle and Environment Play a Key Role

Sarah Kimmins remarked, “The rapid decline in male fertility cannot be explained by genetics alone; research indicates that environmental factors are a driving force. These factors include our increasing exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals, which are present in our daily lives and persist in the environment. Other factors include the increasing prevalence of overweight and obese men, poor dietary habits, stress, marijuana use, alcohol consumption, smoking, or vaping. Unfortunately, men are often unaware of these factors.”

One of the primary recommendations of the report is to raise public awareness of the lifestyle choices that harm male fertility through a public health campaign.

Dr. Jacquetta Trelasler, a co-author of the study and a senior scientist at the McGill University Health Centre Research Institute, and Géraldine Delbès, a researcher at the National Scientific Research Institute, stated, “Because sperm production takes several months, men should consider adopting a healthy lifestyle before planning a family. Clinics have poor capabilities for diagnosing and treating male reproduction. Current methods rely on outdated techniques.”

Dr. Trelasler further added, “As medical professionals, we need more research funding to provide sensitive and accurate sperm health testing for men.”

To achieve this goal, Sarah Kimmins and her team have devoted years of research to develop a better diagnostic method for male fertility, aptly named “HisTurn.” It is the first genomic diagnostic method that offers personalized medical approaches for male infertility.

Currently undergoing clinical validation, HisTurn aims to be eventually used in infertility clinics to provide precise diagnoses for men, guide treatments effectively, save time and money for couples and clinics, and enhance the efficiency and success rates of infertility treatments.

“The decline in semen quality, the rising incidence of testicular cancer, and congenital defects in the male urogenital system suggest a decline in global male reproductive health over recent decades. Research is needed to understand the causes and how to reverse this trend,” stated Moira O’Bryan. “Taking urgent action to implement our recommendations is crucial on a global scale.”


The 10 recommendations are as follows:

  1. Governments, healthcare systems, insurance companies, and the public should recognize male infertility as a common and severe condition, with patients having the right to meaningful diagnosis and targeted treatment.

  2. Establish a global registry and biobank network containing standardized clinical and lifestyle information, as well as tissues from fertile and infertile men, their partners, and children, linked to national healthcare data systems.

  3. Implement agreements and incentives for the standardized collection of de-identified tissue and clinical/lifestyle data.

  4. Fund more international collaborative research to understand the interactions and influences of genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors on male fertility across diverse populations.

  5. Incorporate genomic sequencing into the diagnosis of male infertility.

  6. Develop more diagnostic tests to enhance the diagnosis and etiology of male infertility.

  7. Rigorously assess the impact of compounds in products, workplaces, and environments (especially endocrine-disrupting chemicals) on male fertility. Implement relevant regulations and policies, and develop safe alternatives.

  8. Conduct strict testing of medical-assisted reproductive strategies before integrating them into clinical practice.

  9. Launch public education campaigns to promote discussions on and health-seeking behavior for male infertility.

  10. Enhance the training of healthcare professionals to foster lifelong male reproductive health.




International Expert Alliance Proposes 10 Recommendations to Address Male Infertility Issues

(source:internet, reference only)

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