July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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Fecal bacteria transplantation

Fecal bacteria transplantation

Fecal bacteria transplantation. Move the fecal bacteria in the intestines to another person’s intestines… This is to cure the disease!

Experts especially remind: Don’t imitate without authorization. Transplanting fecal bacteria to treat diseases has been very popular in recent years. Transplanting fecal bacteria from one person’s intestines into another person’s intestines? Who came up with such a disgusting thing! The answer is: very professional medical researchers.

Fecal bacteria transplantation

And they not only think so, but they have done so long ago: In recent years, the related research results of “fecal bacteria transplantation” have repeatedly brought new discoveries in the international medical community. Not long ago, the latest discoveries of related research centers in the United Kingdom and Italy Yes: The transplantation of fecal bacteria for the elderly may restore the cognitive decline caused by aging; researchers at the University of Helsinki in Finland preliminarily inferred through small-scale experiments: feeding babies born by caesarean section with mother’s fecal bacteria can benefit the baby’s immune system .

These two “disgusting” findings related to excrement were published in the authoritative medical journals “Microbiology” and “Cell”, and received extensive attention from the academic community. Combined with various previous related studies, the medical community has now fully realized that the influence of the microbial community in the intestine on human health far and profoundly surpasses the digestive system.

The latest discovery of “old-young” transplants to be reversed

The paper published in “Microbiology” showed that the researchers first transplanted fecal bacteria for young mice, and the fecal bacteria transplanted to them came from adult mice.

Dr. David Wozuk from the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom said: “Research has shown that the aging process may be related to our intestinal flora. Recently, we have discovered that the two-way communication between the intestine and the brain (also known as the intestinal brain Axis’), plays an important role in shaping behavior and cognitive function.”

After completing the transplant, the research team evaluated the anxiety, exploratory behavior, and memory level of the young mice. They found that the young mice did not show significant changes in indicators such as anxiety, exploratory behavior or athletic ability, but when they were placed in the maze, they showed signs of memory impairment and decreased spatial learning ability.

Recalling that the first symptoms of Alzheimer’s patients are memory loss and not knowing the way, these two signs are naturally attracting attention.

However, the researchers have not yet transplanted fecal bacteria from juvenile mice to adult mice. They just speculate based on the theoretical reverse. This paper mainly expresses that age-related changes in the gut microbiome can affect the central nervous system. , Highlights the importance of the gut-brain axis in the aging process.

Experts specially remind: Don’t imitate without authorization

Babies delivered by caesarean section are usually at higher risk of asthma and allergies. This may be because they were not exposed to the microbiota in the mother’s birth canal, which is not conducive to the development of the immune system.

Just this month, a paper published in the journal Cell proposed a seemingly “radical” method: Dilute a small amount of fecal bacteria from the mother and feed it to the newborn immediately. Research reports indicate that the risk of asthma in newborns thereafter is more similar to that of babies delivered normally.

When babies are born, their immune systems are not yet mature, but once they start living outside, their immune systems will mature with exposure to microorganisms. Although each person’s microbiota is individualized, the overall pattern of colonization of the intestinal flora in babies born naturally and by caesarean section is different.

This experiment selected 7 mothers who planned to have a C-section as volunteers, and received fecal microbiota transplantation soon after their babies were born. Researchers found that when these babies were three months old, their microbiota was similar to that of naturally delivered babies, but different from the microbiota of babies born by caesarean section and their mothers.

One of the authors of this paper and an expert of the Human Microbiome Research Program at the University of Helsinki, Wei Liem De Vos, emphasized: “This is not an experiment designed for safety research. We have found it to be effective and support Vertical transmission from mother to baby. But-please don’t do it at home! The safety and suitability of the samples must be tested.”

(source: internet, reference only)

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