July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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Transplantation of lean intestinal flora can improve the health of obese patients

The first clinical evidence: transplantation of lean intestinal flora can improve the health of obese patients



Transplantation of lean intestinal flora can improve the health of obese patients.  There are about 10 trillion bacteria in the human intestines, which affect people’s weight, digestion ability, resistance to infections and the risk of autoimmune diseases, and even control the body’s response to cancer treatment drugs.

In recent years, related research on intestinal flora has been in full swing, and intestinal flora has become an extremely important hotspot in medical and life science research today.

Obesity and metabolic syndrome are one of the most serious health epidemics in the 21st century. Current medical strategies have limited efficacy, poor tolerance, and high costs.

In order to better curb the prevalence of obesity and metabolic syndrome, more and more researchers have set their sights on new therapies, among which fecal microbial transplantation (FMT) has attracted much attention in recent years.

On July 5, 2021, researchers from the University of Alberta in Canada published a titled Fecal microbial transplantation and fiber supplementation in patients with severe obesity and metabolic syndrome: a randomized double-blind, placebo- in the top international medical journal Nature Medicine. Clinical trial papers for controlled phase 2 trial.

This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase 2 clinical trial showed that microbial suppression from a healthy gut + fiber supplements is beneficial for patients with severe obesity and metabolic syndrome. And the whole process was safe, well tolerated, and no adverse events occurred.

Transplantation of lean intestinal flora can improve the health of obese patients

The research team recruited 70 severely obese patients whose body mass index (BMI) exceeded 40, and therefore suffered from metabolic syndrome, showing insulin resistance, high blood sugar, high blood pressure and other complications, which may eventually lead to diabetes.

Then they were randomly assigned, 17 people received fecal microbial transplantation (FMT) + high fermented fiber supplement (HF); 17 people received fecal microbial transplant (FMT) + low fermented fiber supplement (LF); 17 people only received high Fermented fiber supplements (HF); 19 people only received low-fermented fiber supplements (LF).

At the end of the six-week trial, the research team found that only the experimental group with Fecal Microbial Transplant (FMT) + Low Fermented Fiber Supplement (LF) had a significant improvement. They had better insulin sensitivity and higher levels of insulin sensitivity. Beneficial microbes in the gut. Improving insulin sensitivity allows their bodies to use glucose more efficiently, thereby lowering blood sugar and making their metabolism healthier.

Transplantation of lean intestinal flora can improve the health of obese patients

The microbiome is all the microorganisms found in the gastrointestinal tract-microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, protozoa and fungi. It is known that people with various diseases will have changes in their microbiome. However, it is not yet fully understood whether changes in the microbiome will cause disease, or whether disease will cause changes in the intestines, but current research shows that it may be both.

As we all know, replacing unhealthy bacteria with healthy bacteria can improve health. Fecal microbial transplantation (FMT) is the use of microorganisms from healthy fecal donors to transplant to patients. It has been widely used to treat Clostridium difficile infections, and research is underway to test their use in the treatment of other diseases (such as inflammatory bowel disease). , Mental health and metabolic diseases).

Professor Karen Madsen, the leader of the study, said that this is the first study to show that oral administration of fecal microbial transplantation is effective for patients with obesity-related metabolic syndrome, indicating that the potential of using gut microbes to improve human health is huge, but At the moment we just feel a little bit of fur.

The fecal microbial transplants in this study came from four healthy thin men, and then these fecal microbial transplants were encapsulated in the laboratory to avoid the unacceptable smell problem.

Transplantation of lean intestinal flora can improve the health of obese patients

Professor Karen Madsen also stated that fiber supplements after fecal microbial transplantation are the key to success. Because after transplanting beneficial microorganisms, you need to feed them to allow them to exist for a long time. If you continue to eat processed foods without supplementing dietary fiber, these microorganisms may die soon.

The research team also tested fermentable fibers (more in beans) and non-fermentable fibers (mainly cellulose, more in whole grains), and the results showed that non-fermentable fibers are more effective. The research team believes that non-fermentable fiber can change intestinal motility, act as a filler and adhesive, and change bile acid levels, which may be the reason why it plays a role in treatment.

Professor Karen Madsen said that the next multi-center, more participants, and longer-term research will be conducted to understand the working principle of distinguishing the combination of microbial transplantation/fiber supplements, and to monitor changes in drug needs, weight loss and other indicators. If the results continue to show benefits, then there is hope to provide obese patients as a treatment within five years.

Although scientists are still continuing to narrow the scope of bacteria that are most beneficial to humans, this research has reminded us that eating less processed foods and eating more fiber-containing foods (such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables) is good for our intestines. Tao microbiota is healthy.


(source:internet, reference only)

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