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Long-term vegetarianism can also lower creatinine?

Long-term vegetarianism can also lower creatinine?

Long-term vegetarianism can also lower creatinine? People with kidney disease need to remember these 6 key points in healthy eating.

The blood creatinine is high, even if the blood creatinine is in the normal range, the diet of patients with kidney disease is not as simple as “eating vegetarian”

Long-term vegetarianism can also lower creatinine?

Patients with kidney disease whose blood creatinine (SCr) has exceeded the standard, whether it is acute kidney injury (AKI) or chronic renal insufficiency (CRF), always think about how to lower creatinine. The blood creatinine obtained through blood tests generally refers to endogenous creatinine, which is a product of human muscle metabolism. When a patient’s glomerular filtration function declines, serum creatinine will increase.

The dietary requirements of nephropathy patients with elevated serum creatinine must first control protein intake, in layman’s terms, eat less meat. For this reason, some friends with kidney disease understand it as “only vegetarian.” Although rice noodles, vegetables and fruits are rich in minerals, vitamins, and dietary fiber, their protein content is generally low, and due to the amino acid composition, the non-high-quality protein content is also very low.

Therefore, long-term vegetarianism can indeed lower creatinine to a certain extent, but this is just a “performance phenomenon”, not a real improvement in kidney function. Not only failed to improve the renal function of patients with kidney disease, but also brought other consequences. Among them, malnutrition and low immune function have become the biggest obstacles to the recovery and improvement of patients with kidney disease.

Therefore, it can be said that long-term vegetarianism is not a healthy diet for patients with kidney disease. People with kidney disease need to remember the following six key points in healthy eating.

1. Eat vegetarian food, but not just vegetarian

Vegetarian food such as rice noodles and other grains, vegetables and fruits is an important source of nutrients for the human body. However, because the protein content in cereal foods such as rice noodles is only about 8-10%, and it is not a high-quality protein, more “waste” will be generated after being metabolized by the body.

For patients with kidney disease with elevated serum creatinine, in addition to balanced nutrition, it is necessary to increase the intake of high-quality protein, that is, appropriately increase the intake of pork, beef, mutton, chicken, duck, freshwater fish, eggs, and milk. It is not just a vegetarian diet, this is a healthy diet for patients with kidney disease.

2. Every day you need to eat high-quality protein including meat food, but not excessive

It has been said before that “vegetarian food should be eaten, but not only vegetarian”, that is to say, in addition to being vegetarian, you must also eat high-quality protein including meat food.

This is because the protein content of these high-quality protein foods is about 16-25%, which is not only higher than grains such as rice and noodles, but also produces less “waste” than plant protein, and their consumption rate and biological price are generally higher. The effective utilization rate is higher, the burden on the kidney is smaller, and it is more conducive to the recovery of kidney disease.

However, it should not be over-eaten. According to the degree of impaired renal function of patients with different kidney diseases, formulate a suitable protein requirement for oneself.

3. Daily intake of dietary fiber must be guaranteed

Now that living conditions are better, people often eat too much meat, and dietary fiber is insufficient. The longer the kidney disease has been, the stricter the dietary restrictions will be, and the intake of various nutrients will be reduced, resulting in insufficient dietary fiber intake. Studies have shown that the lack or lack of dietary fiber in the diet will affect the human intestinal flora, causing imbalance of the flora and chronic inflammation, thereby aggravating the condition of patients with kidney disease.

In the diet, increasing the intake of fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, potatoes, beans and their products can correct the problem of insufficient dietary fiber intake. Daily intake of dietary fiber must be ensured, which is a healthy diet.

4. Eat less or no “high salt” food

The general population cannot eat more “high-salt” foods, and we patients with kidney disease cannot eat more. Due to the combined high blood pressure and/or edema, excessive salt intake is not conducive to the treatment of hypertension and the elimination of edema. Even if there is no high blood pressure or edema, patients with kidney disease should eat less or no “high salt” foods, including salted melon seeds, plum, pickled products, bean paste, fermented bean curd and seafood. When cooking, salt, soy wine, monosodium glutamate and chicken essence, and other sodium-containing condiments should be reduced to ensure that our daily salt intake does not exceed the basic requirement of 3-5 grams.

5. Avoid eating all kinds of food with preservatives or trans fatty acids exceeding the standard

In order to keep food for longer, it is necessary to add preservatives to prevent microbial infection and reproduction. Excessive levels of various preservatives such as benzoic acid, sodium benzoate, sorbic acid, potassium sorbate and calcium propionate will have a certain degree of impact on health, especially damage to the stomach and kidneys, and the impact on patients with kidney disease with elevated serum creatinine. Bigger.

Therefore, various packaged foods such as canned foods and instant noodles may have the problem of excessive preservative content. The greatest harm of trans fatty acids to the human body is to cause cardiovascular disease and increase the risk of death in patients with chronic kidney disease. In processed foods, such as butter cakes, bread, chocolate, salad dressings, egg yolk pie, potato chips and French fries, etc., trans fatty acids are generally exceeding the standard. We friends with kidney disease should avoid eating all kinds of foods with excessive preservatives and trans fatty acids. This is a healthy diet.

6. Do not drink juices and carbonated drinks

Maintaining good drinking habits is very important for patients with kidney disease. Our kidneys are “dirty water”, and what is most needed and indispensable is water. Therefore, it is very necessary to drink plenty of boiled water or water-containing drinks.

However, if you use juice and carbonated beverages instead of drinking water, it is not only bad for your health, but it will affect your health. Juices that are not made from fruits have a particularly high sugar content and are mainly composed of glucose and fructose. The main components of carbonated drinks are carbonated water, citric acid and other acidic substances, sugar, flavors, caffeine and artificial colors.

Studies have shown that increased intake of free sugars, especially fructose and sugar in carbonated beverages, can lead to weight gain, increase the risk of hyperuricemia and diabetes, and increase the prevalence of chronic kidney disease and the risk of death in patients with kidney disease. Therefore, it is a good habit for kidney friends to drink boiled water and light tea instead of juice and carbonated drinks.

The blood creatinine is high, even if the blood creatinine is in the normal range, the diet of patients with kidney disease is not as simple as “eating vegetarian food”. Remember the above six points, this is the healthy eating habits of kidney friends.


(sourcechinanet, reference only)

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