July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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China 3rd mRNA COVID-19 vaccine was approved for clinical trials

China 3rd mRNA COVID-19 vaccine was approved for clinical trials


China 3rd mRNA COVID-19 vaccine was approved for clinical trials.   The COVID-19 mRNA vaccine independently developed by Livanda Biotech is approved for clinical trials.

On March 16, 2021, the novel coronavirus pneumonia mRNA vaccine developed by Livanda has been approved and issued by the National Medical Products Administration in the “Drug Clinical Trial Approval Document”. It is the third Chinese mRNA COVID-19 vaccine after Abbio Biotech and Sri Lanka Microbiology.

According to the relevant person in charge of Livanda Biology, in response to the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, Livanda Biology urgently launched the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine research and development project in January 2020, and the company’s R&D team completed the preparation of small test samples as quickly as possible. , And then completed a series of pharmacodynamics and safety studies. After the company’s vaccine is approved for clinical trials in China, clinical trials will be launched as planned to further evaluate its clinical safety and effectiveness.

Picture source: company promotional materials

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, Dr. Livanda Peng Yucai has led the team to use the self-built world-class mRNA drug technology platform to start the research and development process of the COVID-19 pneumonia vaccine from January 22, 2020. The first batch of vaccine samples were delivered to relevant national authorities on February 1 of that year for animal testing and efficacy verification.

In addition to the COVID-19 vaccine, Livanda’s other product pipelines include infectious disease vaccines, tumors, rare diseases and other protein-deficiency diseases mRNA drugs and mRNA medical beauty products. The company has an mRNA industrialization technology platform and pilot GMP production conditions.

(source:internet, reference only)

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