July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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Fracture may be the sign of bone metastasis of cancer

Fracture may be the sign of bone metastasis of cancer


Fracture may be the sign of bone metastasis of cancer.  Easy to fracture? It may be a signal of bone metastasis of cancer, there are 4 points, which can be compared by yourself.

Symptoms of bone metastasis often mean that the patient’s condition has entered an advanced stage.

Fracture may be the sign of bone metastasis of cancer

Among newly diagnosed cancer patients, only a small part of them are still in the early and mid-stage when they are diagnosed. More than two-thirds of the patients are diagnosed after entering the middle and late stages!

Many patients may not understand the concept of “intermediate and late stage”, but only know that cancer has reached a serious stage. In fact, the clinically advanced cancer refers to that cancer cells have spread and metastasized on a large scale, and are no longer confined to the primary cancer focus. The more blood supply organs and tissues, the easier it is for cancer metastasis!


For cancers that occur in internal organs, the most likely metastatic cancer is: bone metastasis!

It should be known that the structure of cancer cells is quite loose, and its surface is not covered by an envelope. Therefore, when cancer cells fall off from the primary cancer foci, they can metastasize with the blood circulation, invade the patient’s skeletal system, and spread to bones, bone marrow and other parts.

According to the clinical information, as long as the cancer of internal organs develops to the middle and advanced stages, bone metastases can occur in varying degrees!


Bone metastasis can occur in bones anywhere in the body, but clinical data shows that the most common bone metastases are still bones near the center of the body, including the pelvis, leg bones, upper arm bones, ribs, and skull And other parts. According to the damage and influence of cancer cells to bones, this kind of bone metastasis includes two types: osteolytic and osteogenic!


If the following four symptoms suddenly appear in a cancer patient recently, it may be a signal forwarded by the bone:

1. Pain:

After the cancer cells have transferred to the bones, new lesions will be formed. In the early stage, patients may experience discomfort such as weakness and fatigue in the limbs, and gradually experience pain. This kind of pain is mild and intermittent at the beginning, and it is often more obvious during sleep.

After the development of continuous deepening of the pain, even slight pressing or collision will aggravate the pain. If the bone metastasis occurs in the spine, in addition to bone pain, the patient will also have chest pain, arm pain and other symptoms. However, if bone metastasis occurs in the lumbar spine, sacral spine, etc., it will cause different degrees of lower back and leg pain;

2. Fracture:

Easily fractured is also the most typical symptom of bone metastasis, it is clinically called “pathological fracture”. The reason for this is that bone metastasis will continue to damage the patient’s bone density, resulting in the gradual erosion and destruction of the originally very dense and strong bone, and even the formation of a hollow state inside the patient’s bones, which is what is mentioned above. Said “osteolytic destruction”.

After the patient’s bone is eroded, the bones are easily damaged, and even accidentally turning over or coughing may cause fractures, and fractures can cause intense bone pain;


3. Compression response:

If a patient’s cancerous bone metastasis is in the spine, after it forms a metastatic cancer foci, it will cause extremely strong pressure on the spinal cord. This reaction is clinically called “spinal cord compression”.

Affected by the tumor, the patient will have new pain or worsening pain. At the same time, when it invades the nerves, the patient will also have multiple problems such as neuralgia, dysfunction, paralysis, and paralysis, and finally come to The stage where you can’t take care of yourself;


4. Hypercalcemia:

This is also the most common symptom in the late stage of bone metastasis, which is related to the appearance of osteolytic destruction. Because the destruction of osteolysis will cause a large amount of calcium to dissolve, and as the bone penetrates into the blood, it will develop into hypercalcemia.

The manifestation of this complication is systemic, and patients may experience different levels of symptoms, such as gastrointestinal symptoms (loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, constipation), frequent urination, dehydration, confusion, coma, etc.!


Once the above four symptoms appear, it is likely that the cancer has advanced to the stage of bone metastasis. The symptoms of bone metastasis often mean that the patient’s condition has entered an advanced stage.

However, this does not mean that patients can no longer receive treatment, because there are still multiple treatments and measures to control bone metastasis in the clinic, such as drug therapy, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and targeted drugs. This can alleviate the suffering of patients and improve the quality of life in later stages.





(source:internet, reference only)

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