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Suggestions for breast cancer with bone metastases

Suggestions for breast cancer with bone metastases

Suggestions for breast cancer with bone metastases. What should I do when breast cancer has bone metastases? Medical experts provided four program suggestions.

Bone is one of the most common metastatic sites of malignant tumors, and most of them are multiple bone metastases. Among them, patients with advanced breast cancer have a higher rate of bone metastasis, and the first symptom is bone metastasis accounting for 27% to 50%.

Suggestions for breast cancer with bone metastases

1. Bone metastasis symptoms

In the early stage of bone metastasis, there are generally no symptoms, and bone isotope scans can find diseased bones. The symptoms of bone metastasis are related to the location and quantity of tumor metastasis. For example, chest pain caused by rib metastasis is mostly manifested as a localized chest wall pain with clear tender points. Spinal metastasis causes pain in the center of the back or the lesion, while bone metastases in the limbs or trunk cause localized pain in this area.

Although bone metastasis does not directly threaten life, if the tumor metastasizes to the body’s weight-bearing bones such as the cervical spine, thoracic spine, and lumbar spine, it can cause serious consequences of paralysis. Therefore, patients with bone metastases should be treated promptly.

The main symptoms of bone metastases are gradually increasing local pain, pathological fractures, spinal cord and nerve compression, and even hypercalcemia in the late stage.

The pain and other symptoms caused by bone metastases often become the biggest pain for tumor patients. Vertebral fractures can cause spinal deformation, restricted movement, and even paralysis. The occurrence of bone complications can also cause serious psychological effects on patients, and further seriously reduce the quality of life of cancer patients.

Tumor treatment requires close coordination of multiple programs. The treatment of bone metastasis is an important part of the comprehensive treatment of tumors. Therefore, one method should not be used alone, and the treatment of primary tumors and other metastatic tumors should not be ignored. .

There are many ways to treat bone metastases. In clinical practice, it is more important that doctors should reasonably choose different treatment methods such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, radionuclide therapy, analgesics, etc. according to the specific conditions of the patient to minimize the pain of the patient , Improve the quality of life.

The most common sites for bone metastasis are in the spine and the proximal torso. The spine accounts for 50%, the femur accounts for 25%, and the ribs and sternum account for 12%. The most likely locations for bone metastasis are: hip, spine, chest ribs, shoulder blades, and leg joints.

How to judge whether there are signs of bone metastasis? Usually after the diagnosis, if there are soreness, pain, discomfort in these parts, and abnormal noises in the walking bones, consider whether there is bone metastasis. At this time, you should go as soon as possible When doing bone scans in the hospital, as long as the pain and discomfort in these sensitive parts are involved, you should first consider whether there are signs of bone metastasis.

2. Bone metastasis examination method

1). PET-CT is also often referred to as Pat;

2). ECT is also commonly referred to as bone scan;

These two inspection methods can detect whether bone metastasis has occurred in a timely and accurate manner. PET-CT (Pat) is better than ECT (bone scan) for the diagnosis of bone metastasis. However, because Pate is expensive, bone scans are generally used. Bone scan can also very accurately determine whether bone metastases.

3. Bone metastasis treatment plan

▲ Calcium supplement

After bone metastasis, the patient must first be supplemented with calcium in time. At this time, calcium tablets, kelp, seaweed and other high-calcium foods are all good choices. How to supplement calcium is the most useful?

1). Take it alone and absorb well

Do not take iron, zinc, and calcium at the same time. The reason lies in the competition between iron, zinc and calcium when absorbed by the body. Taking it at the same time will interfere with the absorption of calcium and inhibit the absorption of iron and zinc.

You can choose to supplement calcium at night and zinc supplement during the day, or stagger the time of taking, more than an hour apart.

2). Good calcium source to promote absorption

After inhaling amino acid chelated calcium or calcium gluconate in the human body, amino acids, glucose, gluconate ions, and calcium ions are formed. The human body can completely absorb and utilize these substances without any residue.

3). A small amount of good results

Scientific research has proved that the human body can only absorb up to 178 mg of calcium each time. If a large amount of calcium is added at one time, the absorption rate is only about 25%, and the excess calcium will be excreted from the body.

Using multiple small amounts of calcium supplementation, the average absorption rate can reach 64%, which is safe and effective. Calcium supplementation can be divided into 3-4 times a day, and the effect of calcium supplementation will be better.

4. Choose the most suitable calcium supplement

It is not that the higher the price, the better. Every calcium supplement has its most suitable and unsuitable people.

Those with insufficient gastric acid should use inorganic calcium. People with achlorhydria should use organic calcium or organic calcium agents that do not require gastric acid.

Older patients should use organic calcium or organic calcium agents with relatively high bioavailability and easy absorption due to their low absorption rate.

▲ Bone transfer needle

At present, the most effective way to control bone metastasis is “bone transfer needle”, which can effectively repair damaged bone and effectively inhibit the formation and development of cancer cells in the bone marrow. Usually direct intravenous drip, 21-28 days is a cycle. Bone transfer drugs can alleviate bone pain very well. Bone transfer needles are currently a very complete drug treatment of bone metastasis technology, so don’t worry about bone transfer The side effects of needle use, these side effects can be tolerated by the human body.

21 days is a physiological cycle of the human body, so in the physiological cycle here, whether it is tumor, bone metastasis, or brain metastasis, all symptoms will not change much. Usually, a bone metastasis drug is treated in about 3 months. After the formation of drug resistance, the bone transfer needle has undergone 3 generations of development. If the bone transfer drug is resistant, you can choose among the 3 generations of drugs:

  • The first generation: clodronate
  • The second generation: Pamidronate, Alendronate, Ibandronate
  • The third generation: Zoledronic acid

These three generations of bone transfer drugs contain a large number of drugs for everyone to choose from, so don’t worry after the bone transfer needle is resistant. Some drugs can be used, which means that there are at least more than 100 kinds of bone transfer drugs to choose from; bisphosphonates are more Good tolerability, the main adverse reactions include: flu-like symptoms (bone pain, fever, fatigue, chills, arthralgia and myalgia) bisphosphonates can be combined with chemotherapy, targeted therapy, radiotherapy and other conventional anti-cancer treatments and anesthesia Pain medicine combination.

▲ Radiotherapy

Suggestions for breast cancer with bone metastases

1). Single radiation is suitable for

  • ①For non-midline bone metastasis;
  • ②Patients with limited mobility and urgent need to resolve bone pain.

2). Multiple radiation is suitable for

  • ①Patients with bone metastases who need radiotherapy due to pain because other treatments are ineffective for pain relief;
  • ②Patients at risk of fracture.

For most patients with bone metastases from surrounding bones or important structures without organ tissues, a single high-dose radiotherapy is recommended for treatment. Single radiotherapy is recommended for patients with advanced bone metastases who have difficulty in mobility and transportation.

▲ Diet and emotional control

While adopting a reasonable treatment plan, it must be remembered that anti-cancer ultimately depends on the patient’s own body resistance. Therefore, we must pay attention to diet and supplement enough nutrition to ensure immunity. At the same time, it is vital to maintain a positive and optimistic mental state. Cancer treatment is a systematic project.

When it is discovered, first do not panic, you should diagnose as soon as possible and choose a suitable treatment plan. In recent years, with the advancement of science and technology, cancer is gradually changing from a malignant disease to a chronic disease. Through reasonable treatment, patient cooperation and positive attitude, as well as family encouragement and support, patients can obtain better survival expectations and Quality of Life.

Good doctors remind: When patients experience pain, family members should actively guide, attract patients’ attention, and don’t let patients bear it alone.

(source:chinanet, reference only)

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