July 26, 2024

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50% people have dyslipidemia and What harm does dyslipidemia cause?

50% people have dyslipidemia and What harm does dyslipidemia cause?


50% people have dyslipidemia and What harm does dyslipidemia cause? Elevated low-density lipoprotein is closely related to atherosclerosis, because the inner walls of blood vessels in normal people are very smooth.

One of the “culprits” that cause cardiovascular disease is high blood lipids. The main cause of high blood lipids is elevated cholesterol. There are no obvious symptoms in the early and middle stages of cholesterol elevation, so many people don’t know themselves. Cholesterol is high, but more than 40% of adults have hyperlipidemia.

Cholesterol is a very rich sterol compound in the human body, and it is widely present in the tissues and cells of the human body. It is also involved in the synthesis of various hormones, vitamins, and bile acids in the body.
Therefore, cholesterol is good and bad in the human body.

For example, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol-an increase in HDL is a good performance, while an increase in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol is a bad performance.

High-density lipoprotein cholesterol:

The normal range is 1.1~1.5mmol/L. The existence of HDL cholesterol is to accumulate low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and transport it to the liver, where it is further broken down, and finally recycled to various tissues and organs of the body.

If the high-density lipoprotein cholesterol is too low, the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke will increase.

Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol:

The normal range is between 2.0~3.12mmol/L. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol can cause plaque formation in blood vessels, causing blood circulation disorders.

If the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol exceeds 3.37mmol/L, intervention needs to be considered.
The impact on low-density lipoprotein is mainly caused by diet and living habits, especially processed food contains a large amount of saturated trans fatty acids, long-term consumption will significantly increase low-density cholesterol.



Elevated cholesterol will bring the following 3 harms to the body

1. Atherosclerosis

Elevated low-density lipoprotein is closely related to atherosclerosis, because the inner walls of blood vessels in normal people are very smooth.

When diseases such as hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, and hypertension occur, the inner wall of the blood vessel will be destroyed, causing the accumulation of lipids under the arterial intima, and slowly forming plaques that look like millet porridge to the naked eye. Therefore it is called atherosclerotic plaque.

2. Blood vessel stenosis

As cholesterol accumulates in the blood vessels over time, the lumen of the blood vessels will gradually narrow, reducing blood flow, increasing pressure, and leading to ischemia and hypoxia in various tissues and organs, and finally a series of symptoms appear.

3. Thrombosis

When the plaque formed by the deposited cholesterol is unstable, it is easy to cause the plaque to fall off and form a thrombus. Once the thrombus falls off, it is likely to cause blood vessel blockage. For example, if the carotid artery is blocked, a stroke will occur, and the coronary artery will block in the heart. Myocardial infarction may even lead to pulmonary embolism and blockage of blood vessels in both lower extremities, which will eventually endanger life.

Therefore, when a person’s intake of cholesterol is too high, it will exceed the body’s normal metabolic capacity, which will accumulate in the blood vessels and cause hyperlipidemia, which will lead to a series of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, such as coronary heart disease and high blood pressure. , Stroke, etc.

Therefore, it has been mentioned in our popular science that it is recommended that more people pay attention to hyperlipidemia, and it is best to check blood lipid levels regularly. If it is higher than the normal metabolic range of the human body, intervention and treatment should be carried out as soon as possible. The statins can effectively control hyperlipidemia in the human body, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.


These types of people should focus on testing blood lipids

  • Patients with coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and peripheral atherosclerosis
  • People with high blood pressure, diabetes, regular smoking and obesity.
  • People with a family history of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis, as well as familial hyperlipidemia
  • People with skin xanthomas

It is recommended that men over the age of 40 and women after menopause should have a blood lipid check at least once a year.

Because hyperlipidemia does not have any symptoms, it is often ignored, and even more people do not know that their blood lipids are elevated, and the harm it brings is always threatening our health, such as atherosclerosis. It is called “silent killer” because of its type sclerosis, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, stroke and so on.

Therefore, if you find hyperlipidemia, you must first adjust your diet, improve your unhealthy lifestyle, and control various factors that affect blood lipids. Finally, drug therapy is added on this basis, which can not only control blood lipids but also reduce the occurrence of complications.



(source:internet, reference only)

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