July 26, 2024

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High blood lipids are dangerous for the whole body!

High blood lipids are dangerous for the whole body!


High blood lipids are dangerous for the whole body! Keep in mind 4 fat-lowering masters, clean blood vessels and prevent cerebral infarction. In daily life, once the blood value is too high, it must be treated quickly.

High blood lipids are dangerous for the whole body!

Hyperlipidemia refers to hyperlipidemia, also known as dyslipidemia, which is a phenomenon in which the level of triglycerides or total cholesterol in the plasma is higher than normal. Once suffering from hyperlipidemia, it will affect the overall blood circulation, and it is easy to form thrombus, which induces the emergence of some acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

In addition, patients with hyperlipidemia are prone to suffer from necrotizing pancreatitis, which can seriously threaten the life of the patient. Therefore, in daily life, once the blood value is too high, it must be treated quickly.


In addition, we must pay more attention to the regulation of diet. Do not consume all foods rich in high fat and high salt, and eat more foods that can reduce blood fat and clear blood vessels. Here is an introduction.

Which foods have the effect of reducing blood fat and clearing blood vessels?

1. Buckwheat tea

The rutin and niacin contained in buckwheat are particularly high. These two components can reduce the cholesterol level in blood vessels and play a very important role in preventing and treating hyperlipidemia.

The buckwheat tea made from buckwheat is also rich in enzyme elements, which can promote the dissolution of fibrin in the human body, inhibit the production of thrombin, and make blood vessels dilate.

Moreover, the dietary fiber and gelatinous glucan contained in buckwheat tea are particularly high, which can reduce blood sugar and blood lipids.

For people with hyperlipidemia, drinking some buckwheat tea appropriately every day can not only reduce blood lipids, but also prevent thrombosis. It has a good preventive effect on some cerebrovascular diseases, such as cerebral infarction.


2. Oats

Oats are rich in zinc and b vitamins. This ingredient can regulate the metabolism of fat and carbohydrates in the body to reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Especially for some middle-aged and elderly people with “three highs” phenomenon, some oats can be properly eaten every day, which can reduce the value of “three highs”.

Moreover, the food contained in oatmeal is very rich in fiber and very low in calories. For hyperlipidemia patients with obesity, it can not only lower blood lipids, but also lose weight.


3. beans

For example, soybeans and black beans, these beans are particularly rich in plant sterols. After this component enters the intestine, it will hinder the excessive absorption of some cholesterol in the intestine.

In addition, the phospholipid component contained in legumes can generate some cholesterol, which promotes the softening of cholesterol in the blood vessel wall and excretes it from the body to achieve the effect of lowering blood lipids and venting blood vessels.


In addition to soybeans and black beans, you can also eat more mung beans. The polysaccharides and globulins contained in mung beans can promote the rapid decomposition of some cholesterol in the liver and achieve the effect of quickly lowering blood lipids.


4. Corns

For people suffering from hyperlipidemia, you should eat some corn every day, or eat some food made of cornmeal, which can lower blood lipids and lower blood pressure.

The unsaturated fatty acids contained in corn are particularly high, which can reduce the cholesterol concentration in the blood leaves. It can also prevent some lipid components from depositing on the blood vessel wall, which can prevent atherosclerosis and some cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.


All in all, if you suffer from hyperlipidemia, you can eat the above foods appropriately in your daily life. In addition, you can also eat more vegetables rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, which can not only lower blood fat, lower blood pressure, and lower blood sugar, but also prevent cerebral infarction, and the effect of acute vascular diseases such as myocardial infarction.

In addition, drink more boiled water every day, and strengthen exercise, which can dilute the blood concentration and achieve the effect of lowering blood lipids.



(source:internet, reference only)

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