July 26, 2024

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High blood pressure causes blood-vessel blockage?

High blood pressure causes blood-vessel blockage?

High blood pressure causes blood-vessel blockage? How are the blood vessels blocked? Blood vessels are all over our body, and they are the channels for oxygen and nutrients. When blood vessels are blocked, many diseases will come to our door and even endanger our life and health.

High blood pressure causes blood-vessel blockage?

What is the cause of blocked blood vessels? Does high blood pressure cause blood vessel blockage?
With these questions, the assistant invites everyone to learn today’s vascular knowledge.

How are the blood vessels blocked?

Blood vessels are like water pipes. After a long time of use, they will appear “aging and damaged”. Some substances in the blood will slowly deposit on the damaged area and gradually form plaques.

When the plaque grows up, a coating called “fiber cap” will gradually form on the outside of the plaque. According to the thickness of this coating and the stability of the plaque, we can divide the plaque into stable plaques And unstable plaques.

Of the two types of plaques, unstable plaques with a thinner envelope are more dangerous.

Because its envelope is very thin, it is easy to rupture. Once it ruptures, the lipids inside will be exposed and cause new inflammation. Anti-inflammatory cells and platelets in the blood will gather in this part, resulting in a large number of blood cells. When aggregated, a thrombus is formed.

The thrombus may block directly where the plaque ruptures, or as the blood continues to flow to the finer blood vessels, a blood vessel blockage occurs.

Does high blood pressure cause blood vessel blockage?

High blood pressure is indeed a risk factor for blood vessel blockage.
People with high blood pressure, because the blood vessels are in a state of high pressure for a long time, will cause the thickening and fibrosis of the blood vessel wall, the degree of blood vessel hardening will also be higher, and the probability of atherosclerosis and blood vessel blockage will be higher.

But the relationship between high blood pressure and blood vessel blockage is actually a problem of probability, so to speak:
○ People with high blood pressure are more likely to have blood vessel blockage; ○ People with blood vessel blockage are also more likely to have high blood pressure.

Active treatment and control of hypertension can slow down the development of arteriosclerosis and reduce the risk of blood vessel blockage.


Many people believe that hypertension is a disease that only middle-aged and elderly people get, and blood vessel blockage is also a risk that only middle-aged and elderly people can get.

But in fact, under the modern high-pressure and high-paced life, many middle-aged people and even young people suffer from high blood pressure and blood vessel blockage due to life habits, eating habits, and disease factors. However, the higher the age, the higher the possibility of cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular risk.

People with high blood pressure, whether young or middle-aged, must pay sufficient attention to them, actively cooperate with doctors to treat high blood pressure, and prevent cardiovascular diseases and risks that may be caused by high blood pressure in advance. Treat in time.

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