July 26, 2024

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Sodium is an important cause of high blood pressure

Sodium is an important cause of high blood pressure


Sodium is an important cause of high blood pressure.


Everyone knows that too much salt intake can easily induce high blood pressure, mainly because of the sodium ions in it.

But it does not mean that you will be fine with less salt when cooking. There are many other foods that also contain more sodium.

They are also the culprits of inducing high blood pressure. Everyone knows that too much salt intake can easily induce high blood pressure, mainly because of the sodium ions in it.


Sodium is an important cause of high blood pressure.


But it does not mean that you will be fine with less salt when cooking.

There are many other foods that also contain more sodium.

They are also the culprits of inducing high blood pressure.




Where does sodium come from?

In addition to salt, the pickles, meat products, snack foods, soy products, vegetables, fruits and other foods we eat also contain a certain amount of “sodium”.

So even if our daily intake of “sodium” is equal to the amount of “sodium” in edible salt, we will also take in sodium from other foods.

The salt we eat every day contains 5 grams of sodium, but in fact, our intake of “sodium” is still more than 5 grams.

Therefore, the prevalence of hypertension has not yet come down.




List of foods high in sodium

In addition to salt, foods with high sodium content include:

  • Pickled foods: They are all made with salt, which has a high sodium content.
  • Dried tomatoes: 100g of dried tomatoes has a sodium content of up to 2095mg.
  • Snacks: 100g of pretzels contain 1715mg of sodium.
  • Cheese: 100g of cheese contains about 1700mg of sodium.
  • Sea crab: A king crab leg from Alaska contains 1436 mg of sodium.
  • Baking powder and baking soda: One tablespoon of baking soda contains 1368mg sodium; one teaspoon of baking powder contains 530mg sodium.
  • Soup packet: a 5g soup, which contains about 1200mg of sodium.
  • Sausages, bacon, bacon: 20 grams of beef jerky contains 443 mg of sodium.
  • Salad dressing, soy sauce: The sodium content of a spoonful of soy sauce is 335mg.
  • Yeast: The sodium content of about 6g of yeast can easily reach 216mg.




Tips for lowering blood pressure

For most hypertensive patients, in addition to taking medications on time, the following non-drug treatment methods should be combined, which has a great effect on improving hypertension treatment.

  • Lose weight: For obese hypertensive patients, the blood pressure can drop by 10-20 mmHg for every 5 kg weight loss.
  • Exercise more: If you exercise and walk for more than half an hour, your blood pressure can drop by 10 mmHg.
  • Eat less salt: If you eat less salt below 6 grams a day, your blood pressure can drop by 5-6 mmHg;
  • Good mood: Keep a good mood, do not worry or get angry, blood pressure can drop by 5-10 mmHg.




In addition to the above points, cardiovascular experts also recommend:


1. If you can’t control your mouth, you can’t control your blood pressure

Like many diseases, high blood pressure is also a taboo. If you can’t control your mouth, it will be difficult to control your blood pressure.

For example, the following 4 kinds of foods, hypertensive patients should eat less!

① Stimulating foods: spicy seasonings such as chili, curry, mustard, green onions, mustard and other spicy vegetables, as well as alcohol, coffee, strong tea, carbonated drinks, etc.

②Over-salty foods: pickles, salted fish, sausages, etc. Pickled foods have high salinity, which can easily lead to increased blood pressure!

③High-calorie foods: especially sugars, it is easy to cause elevated blood lipids.

④Meats with extremely high saturated fatty acid content: such as beef, pig, lamb, pork belly, fatty meat, sausage, sausage, bacon, etc.



2. Smoking a cigarette, blood pressure continues to rise for 15 to 30 minutes

After smoking a cigarette, our heart rate will increase by 5-20 times per minute, and our systolic blood pressure will increase by 10-25mmHg.

When smoking 2 cigarettes, 10 minutes later, due to the increased secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine, the heartbeat will be faster, and both systolic and diastolic blood pressure will increase.



3. Many people suffer from high blood pressure by staying up late

If you do not sleep well at night, your blood pressure at night will not get a good rest due to sympathetic nerves, and even anxiety will be caused by insomnia, which will cause your blood pressure to rise, and it is easy to form abnormal blood pressure changes. And this kind of damage can’t be made up by restoring sleep the next day.



4. As psychological pressure increases, blood vessel pressure also increases sharply

Under the circumstances of high work pressure and high mental stress, the body will secrete a chemical substance called catecholamines.

This chemical substance can cause vasoconstriction, and vasoconstriction will increase the resistance during bleeding, and the increase in resistance will cause Causes blood pressure to rise.




Sodium is an important cause of high blood pressure.

(source:chinanet, reference only)

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