July 26, 2024

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Blood vessel may be blocked if 3 symptoms frequently appear when sleeping

Blood vessel may be blocked if 3 symptoms frequently appear when sleeping


Blood vessel may be blocked if 3 symptoms frequently appear when sleeping.  Once the blood vessels are blocked, the body will have 3 manifestations during sleep, which need to be paid attention to.


Blood vessel may be blocked if 3 symptoms frequently appear when sleeping


Blood vessels are laid in the entire human body like roads, and blood can transport nutrients to the various organs of the body because of the existence of blood vessels.

If a blood vessel is blocked, it will affect the smooth transportation of blood, causing some organs of the body to be ischemia and hypoxia, which will promote the appearance of some more serious cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The cerebral infarction described as “can” is one of them.


What many people don’t know about blood vessel blockage is that the body has already sent out early warning signals when it appears, such as abnormal blood pressure, dizziness, headache, and difficulty breathing.

And some symptoms are more obvious when you sleep at night. Therefore, if these three symptoms appear when sleeping at night, it means that the blood vessels may have been blocked.


So what symptoms of sleep indicate clogged blood vessels?

1. Numbness and coldness in limbs

If the blood vessels are blocked, the blood circulation will naturally be affected. At this time, the limbs that are the end of blood circulation are likely to become cold and numb due to the lack of blood oxygen supply in time.

Especially in the process of sleep, unilateral numbness is likely to occur. You must pay attention to this and go to the hospital for related examinations in time.


2. Frequent unilateral drooling

Drooling during sleep is mostly caused by incorrect sleeping posture, mouth-opening sleep, and sleep apnea.

But if you have been drooling inexplicably recently when you sleep, and no matter what sleeping posture, the saliva always flows to one side, you need to be vigilant about blood vessel blockage.

This situation is often due to the lack of blood and oxygen supply to the cortical brainstem on both sides, and the sublingual function is impaired, which leads to unilateral drooling.

When the disease progresses to a certain degree, sudden central facial paralysis can occur, such as the corners of the mouth and the corners of the eyes cannot be completely closed.


3. Severe headaches, dizziness and dizziness

Many people have had dizziness and headaches, but if the headaches get worse at night, especially when there is a significant headache around 8 o’clock in the evening, it may be caused by obstruction of blood vessels in the head and neck.

The second peak of human blood pressure fluctuations will occur at around 8 o’clock in the evening. As the blood pressure rises, the blood becomes more viscous, which will aggravate the phenomenon of blood vessel blockage, causing cerebral ischemia and hypoxia, leading to headaches. .

In severe cases, severe headaches and inability to fall asleep may even occur. In addition, if you often experience dizziness when you first wake up in the morning, it may also be caused by a clogged blood vessel.


If you want blood vessels not to be blocked and cerebral infarction not to occur, please keep the following points in mind

1. Eat a healthy diet

Try not to eat high-fat, high-sodium, and high-cholesterol foods to prevent blood vessels from becoming diseased by eating these foods. You can eat more fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and other foods.


2. Strictly control blood pressure

According to statistics, nearly 50% of patients with cerebral infarction will have different degrees of hypertension. Long-term hypertension will cause damage to the vascular endothelium, leading to the accumulation of lipids in the blood vessel wall and accelerating atherosclerosis. Therefore, patients with hypertension must strictly control their own blood pressure levels.


3. Stay away from tobacco and alcohol

Smoking and drinking are risk factors for cerebral infarction. Smoking can damage the endothelium of blood vessels, stimulate severe contraction of blood vessels, and cause vascular disease.

Drinking alcohol will directly stimulate the brain nerves, increase the burden on the heart, affect the stability of blood pressure and blood lipid levels, thereby increasing the probability of cerebral infarction.


Through the above reading, I believe that everyone has a certain understanding of the relationship between blood vessel blockage and cerebral infarction. If you experience the symptoms mentioned above during your sleep, please pay more attention to blood vessel blockage.

In order to avoid clogged blood vessels, you must always adhere to a healthy diet, strictly control your blood pressure and stay away from tobacco and alcohol. Also, as not mentioned above, you must learn to control your emotions. After all, emotional fluctuations will also cause blood pressure influences.




(source:internet, reference only)

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