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Statins: 5 suggestions to keep your blood fat and blood sugar low!

Statins: 5 suggestions to keep your blood fat and blood sugar low!


Statins: 5 suggestions to keep your blood fat and blood sugar low! Eating statins causes diabetes? Here are 5 suggestions to keep your blood fat and blood sugar low!

Statins: 5 suggestions to keep your blood fat and blood sugar low!

The first thing to do is to live a healthy life. You must first control your diet and strengthen exercise. This is the basis for prevention and control of hyperlipidemia. Secondly, strictly follow the principles of drug use, try not to use drugs first, and sometimes you can use other lowering Lipid medicine replacement;

For friends with high blood lipids or cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, most of them must be taking statins. When taking statins, the doctor must ask for regular review to avoid side effects.

Recently, a patient was taking a statin and found that his blood sugar was elevated during the recheck. Is this necessarily due to diabetes caused by the statin?

Not necessarily!

Statins may indeed increase blood sugar and cause diabetes:

A number of studies have shown that statins can increase the risk of new-onset diabetes. Five years of statin treatment can increase the risk of new-onset diabetes by 28%. At the same time, glycosylated hemoglobin also significantly increases.

There is another problem. We need to be clear that people who take statins are either hyperlipidemia or cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases; and the three highs and the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are inextricably linked and highly aggregated. . Simply put, after the discovery of high blood pressure, the risk of diabetes and hyperlipidemia will increase. If high blood fat is found, the risk of diabetes is higher than other people.

Therefore, taking statins to induce blood sugar increase may indeed be a side effect of statins, but it cannot be ruled out that some potential diabetes patients are patients with impaired glucose tolerance, but statins wake up diabetes.


Why do statins cause new diabetes?

Studies have shown that statins can affect insulin sensitivity and the process of blood glucose uptake by cells, and can directly act on the process of glucose uptake by cells, leading to insulin resistance. Statins can not only reduce the glucose-mediated insulin release in β cells by inhibiting the direct action of HMG-COA reductase, but also reduce insulin secretion by reducing cholesterol in the body, thereby causing new diabetes. This is more complicated. We just need to remember that statins may indeed cause new diabetes, but it only occurs in a few people.


What should I do if a diabetic patient has cardio-cerebrovascular disease?

I have diabetes, and I have also found cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. You don’t need to worry about it at this time. Because you have diabetes, you should treat it as diabetes. Studies have shown that statins can reduce the risk of all-cause death by 7% and the risk of myocardial infarction by 27%. Said that the benefits of statins far outweigh the effects on blood sugar. Diabetes accompanied by cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should eat statins!


How to reduce statin-induced diabetes?

1. Diet control is the basis for lowering blood lipids:

Unhealthy foods can cause elevated blood lipids. Foods with high fat, high oil, high salt and high sugar are unhealthy foods. These foods contain saturated fatty acids, such as fatty meat, animal oil, butter pastries, palm oil, etc.; high cholesterol content Food, such as animal offal, roe, squid, crab roe, etc.; also includes trans-unsaturated fatty acids, such as shortbread, fried dough sticks, fried fast food, etc.; these foods will lead to increased blood lipids. These are the so-called vascular junk foods. The total amount must be controlled and limited. It is no problem to eat them once in a while, and you cannot eat them all the time.

But for a long-term healthy diet, some blood lipids will return to normal. A healthy diet is a comprehensive, colorful and rich diet, including a variety of seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables, including coarse and fine grains, including vegetable oils, and vegetable oils need to be controlled, including poultry meat, including appropriate Supplement fish meat, including proper supplementation of nuts and dairy products.

2. Can not use medicine, try not to use medicine:

First of all, not all hyperlipidemias have to take medicine. In the clinic, we always find that some people just take statins because of triglyceride elevation. In fact, it is not necessary. Although the first statin can lower triglycerides, statins are mainly Lower cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein; elevated second triglycerides, it is not immediately necessary to take medicine, mild triglycerides rise, not higher than 5.65 under the premise, as long as diet control, most triglycerides It can return to normal; the third triglyceride-lowering drugs are mainly fibrates, and mild fish oil can also be used to lower triglycerides.

Secondly, even if cholesterol rises, it is not necessary to take statins immediately. According to cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein, you can first control your diet and strengthen exercise, such as cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein that cannot be lowered; It depends on low-density lipoprotein. When the low-density lipoprotein is higher than 4.9, statin treatment is needed.

3. Lipid-lowering drugs are not only statins

Commonly used lipid-lowering drugs include statins, fibrates, bile acid-binding resins, cholesterol absorption inhibitors, and niacin. Doctors use combination drugs such as cholesterol absorption inhibitors and statin combination preparations, statins and Niacin combination preparations, statins and calcium channel blockers, as well as injection drugs and omega-3 fatty acid supplements. If it is for lowering blood lipids, there are more options to choose from, but these drugs are indeed different from statins and cannot replace statins!

4. Strictly grasp the principle of using statins

In addition to the above-mentioned severe low-density lipoprotein elevations, which cannot be controlled by diet alone, statins are required, and some diseases must be statins, such as clear coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, stent surgery, bypass surgery, brain Infarction, carotid artery stenosis greater than 50%, soft carotid plaque. These diseases really must take statins. On the one hand, the purpose of taking statins is to reduce low-density lipoprotein, because low-density lipoprotein is a vascular garbage producer. Only by effectively reducing low-density lipoprotein below 1.8 can we effectively control cardiovascular garbage. Exacerbation; Another main reason for taking statins is that statins can fight inflammation and stabilize plaques. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are caused by elevated low-density lipoproteins on the one hand, and inflammation on the other. When vascular plaques rupture, myocardium will occur Infarction, cerebral infarction. Therefore, this part of the clear cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases must take statins; therefore, the diagnosis must be clear and the indications must be strictly controlled. Coronary heart disease cannot be diagnosed casually, and statins should be taken casually.

5. Various statins have different effects on blood sugar

Studies have shown that rosuvastatin has a greater impact on blood sugar, and the least impact is pitavastatin. After pitavastatin is on the market, there are few reports of diabetes. Therefore, among the statins, pitavastatin should have the least impact on blood sugar, followed by pravastatin; rosuvastatin, atorvastatin and simvastatin have greater impact on blood sugar.

Of course, statins theoretically have potential side effects, not only can cause blood sugar increase, liver function abnormalities, muscle damage, etc., so we can not choose statins based on the impact of statins on blood sugar; let alone the so-called side effects just appear In a few people.

Regularly review blood sugar, if blood sugar is abnormal, replace statin in time.


In short, for hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases:

  • The first thing to do is to live a healthy life. You must first control your diet and strengthen exercise. This is the basis for preventing and controlling hyperlipidemia;
  • Secondly, strictly follow the principle of drug use, try not to use drugs first, and sometimes you can use other lipid-lowering drugs instead;
  • For people who must use statins, if glucose tolerance is abnormal, try to choose statins that have little effect on blood sugar;
  • Finally, there is no absolutely safe statin. All statins have potential side effects, but they only happen to a small number of people. Do a good job of monitoring and reviewing, and early detection and treatment.

Finally, for the above 5 points, the blood sugar increase that is still unavoidable, if you must choose, the simple choice is to choose watermelon, throw away sesame seeds, choose statins, and treat diabetes!


(source:internet, reference only)

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