July 26, 2024

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Youth 5-25 times higher on myocarditis after mRNA COVID-19 vaccinated

Youth 5-25 times higher on myocarditis after mRNA COVID-19 vaccinated


Youth 5-25 times higher on myocarditis after mRNA COVID-19 vaccinated.   


On June 1, 2021, the News section of Science magazine compiled reports from the drug inspection agencies of Israel, the United States and the European Union, showing that after the mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, the risk of developing myocarditis in young people is increased by 5-25 times.


The report submitted by Israeli researchers to the Israeli Ministry of Health on June 1, and showed that among 16-24 year-old males, one out of every 3000-6000 vaccinators will suffer from this rare disease. Myocarditis. So far, 275 cases of myocarditis after mRNA vaccination have been reported in Israel.


In most cases, the symptoms were mild and resolved within a few weeks. The Israeli report shows that most patients stay in the hospital for no more than 4 days, and 95% of the cases are mild.


Israeli health officials noticed an increase in young people’s myocarditis in April, when more than 60 cases were reported, most of which were young men who received the second dose of the vaccine a few days ago.

Around the same time period, the US Department of Defense also reported 14 similar cases.  In mid-May, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that they were reviewing these cases of myocarditis.


Officials of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) stated on May 28 that they had also received 107 reports of post-vaccine myocarditis from officials Pfizer/BioNTech, and that there is about one case for every 175,000 doses of vaccination.


In this regard, EMA stated that there is no need to worry about myocarditis after receiving the Pfizer vaccine, because the incidence of myocarditis among vaccine recipients is similar to that of the general population. Young people are relatively susceptible to myocarditis.


We don’t know if EMA will continue to be beaten this time. After the last AstraZeneca-related fatal thrombosis, EMA also said that it was unrelated, but later showed that there was a real connection.

EMA is prone to misjudgment this time because the current rate of people under 30 vaccinated in Europe is very low, so this may be related to the low rate of myocarditis reported in Europe.



Is this correlation causal?

After all, myocarditis also occurs under normal circumstances.


Dror Mevorach, director of the Hadassah University Medical Center in Israel, said the new analysis “very hints at the direct causality between the vaccine and myocarditis.”


Douglas Diekema, a pediatrician at Seattle Children’s Hospital in the United States, is very cautious and warned that the Israeli report is obviously suggestive and needs to be verified in other populations before the link between the vaccine and side effects can be established. Ideally, scientists should compare both groups of young people who have been vaccinated in the same environment with those who have not been vaccinated.


Peter Liu, a cardiologist and chief scientist at the Heart Institute of the University of Ottawa in Canada, pays more attention to the mechanism behind this association.

Liu said that at least from the data, it is a fact that young people have a high percentage of myocarditis after being vaccinated with mRNA.

There is a possibility that, in rare cases, the very high levels of antibodies produced in young people may cause an immune overreaction that causes an inflammatory response in the heart.




What needs to be considered is that in the face of mRNA vaccine-related myocarditis, Can teenagers and young people still get the vaccine?

This again involves the issue of risk-benefit ratio. As we discussed earlier in AstraZeneca or Johnson & Johnson’s adenovirus vector vaccine and lethal venous thrombosis.


First, the severity of myocarditis associated with mRNA vaccines needs to be confirmed. According to currently available data, the symptoms of this myocarditis are usually mild and only require anti-inflammatory drugs.

Second, the risks of not being vaccinated need to be carefully considered. COVID-19 infection can cause serious diseases and a high proportion of long-term sequelae, and the risk of COVID-19 infection is closely related to the local epidemic.


Youth 5-25 times higher on myocarditis after mRNA COVID-19 vaccinated




Who should be particularly vigilant when choosing mRNA vaccines?

It is necessary to find the characteristics of patients with myocarditis related to mRNA vaccination, so as to make a choice.


According to reports from Israel, 90% of the cases of mRNA vaccine-related myocarditis are males, mostly young people aged 16-30.

People who receive mRNA vaccines, especially young men, should be especially alert to chest pain or other symptoms after vaccination, especially after the second dose; if they feel unwell, they need to see a doctor in time.



Faced with possible myocarditis, do young people continue to receive mRNA vaccines?


First of all, it must look at the severity of side effects after vaccination.

Mevorach of Israel said that he and his colleagues have treated about 40 cases. Only a few require corticosteroid treatment, and most have fully recovered.


Secondly, there is no risk of vaccination.

In most countries, vaccination of young people is still necessary. For example, American universities stipulate that they must be fully vaccinated before entering school in the fall, but the situation in Israel is the most special, because Israel has contained the COVID-19 epidemic, and there have been only a dozen new cases a day in recent times.

Therefore, Mevorach said that in this case, it is hoped that the Ministry of Health will leave the decision on whether young people are vaccinated to their parents and doctors.



Find a safer vaccination strategy

For most young people, the COVID-19 vaccine needs to be continued. Therefore, doctors and scientists are more concerned about whether they can find a strategy to reduce myocarditis after mRNA vaccination.


Doctor Peter Liu believes that doctors can consider reducing the dose of vaccination for young people.


Currently Pfizer and Moderna are also conducting clinical trials of lower-dose vaccines in children under 12 years of age, and results are expected to be obtained in the next few months.


For those who must receive the mRNA vaccine in the near future, consider postponing the second dose of vaccine.


Because of the myocarditis associated with mRNA vaccination currently found, most of them occurred after the second dose of vaccination.

In view of the fact that some countries, such as the United Kingdom, have already extended the interval recommended by Pfizer from 3 weeks to 12-16 weeks in practical applications, research on these vaccinators will also find out whether postponing the second dose of vaccination can reduce mRNA vaccination-related myocarditis. “The conclusion.


It is particularly vigilant that Israel has the highest rate of vaccination, but it will only be vaccinated for 16-year-olds and doctors before June 1st; while the United States and Canada have begun to vaccinate 12-15 teenagers with Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine in May. 


Therefore, it is also necessary to pay special attention to whether myocarditis occurs in 12-15 adolescents.






(source:internet, reference only)

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