July 26, 2024

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Can patients still keep breast if breast augmentation develops into cancer?

Can patients still keep breast if breast augmentation develops into cancer?



Do patients still keep breast if breast augmentation develops into cancer?  Fighting cancer is a long-term process. After breast-conserving surgery, patients should check themselves frequently and go to the hospital every three months.

Pay attention to whether there are new nodules and lumps around the incision and the entire breast. Once an abnormality is found, a molybdenum/rhodium target X-ray should be performed immediately , Ultrasound and other examinations, and find recurrence or metastasis in time.



Behind the beauty, the untold story

In recent years, breast augmentation has become a fashion. Some women’s breasts are relatively small, and with age, breast fat tends to gradually lose and become flat. Breast augmentation makes this dream come true for beautiful women.


Can patients still keep breast if breast augmentation develops into cancer?

The breast integrates breastfeeding function, sexual function and the unique symbol of feminine beauty. It is the basis for human reproduction, and it is also the location of feminine charm and self-confidence. Unlike other organs, it is a glandular structure that changes with the ups and downs of estrogen levels in the body. In other words, compared to the “stiff” of other organs, she appears to be particularly lively, so she is easy to be a target for cancer attacks.

Last year, breast cancer became the largest cancer in the world, and the incidence of breast cancer in some countries is also rising. In large cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, the incidence has reached 30/100,000 to 50/100,000, which is a serious threat to human health and life.


On the other hand, with the popularity of medical aesthetics, more and more women are undergoing breast augmentation surgery.

Breast augmentation involves implanting an autologous body (such as fat in other parts) or a prosthesis (such as silicone) into the breast through various methods. Although there is currently no evidence to show the link between breast augmentation and breast cancer, these “uninvited guests” will inevitably appear “unacceptable” and break the original peaceful life of breast tissue, connective tissue, and adipose tissue. More importantly, due to the masking effect of the implant, the most obvious feature of breast cancer-the mass is easily overlooked, so that the most important opportunity for early detection and treatment is lost.

In view of this, the doctor suggested: If it is not necessary, it is not necessary to follow this fashion, because healthy is the most beautiful; if breast augmentation is done, you should pay more attention to checking the slightest changes in the breast, and insist on monthly breast self-examination and Receive regular molybdenum/rhodium target breast examinations every year.

If it is really unfortunate and suffers from cancer after breast augmentation, can the breasts be preserved?



Resection: health is precious

Cancer is a group of cells that grow out of control in the human body. They not only lose their original functions, but also suppress the growth of other normal cells through frantically plundering nutrients and resources. Cancer cells are like the infamous “sweet goldenrod” in the plant world. They have strong viability and proliferation, and can spread rapidly in a short period of time.

Therefore, for cancer, it is a war against time, and it is best to kill it in the early to mid-term. The same is true for breast cancer. Although it does not look as fierce as other cancers, its harm cannot be ignored. Because of its strong concealment, it is often not valued and discovered early, making it a more terrifying “hidden killer.”

Especially for patients who have undergone breast augmentation surgery, it is often late when the tumor is found, and the opportunity for conservative treatment has been lost, and it should be dealt with decisively.


Surgery is still the most effective treatment. Those who can be surgically removed should be considered for surgical treatment.

For early stage patients (stage I and II), radical surgery should be performed as soon as possible, supplemented by endocrine therapy and traditional Chinese medicine; if there is already axillary lymph node metastasis, radiotherapy or adjuvant chemotherapy is also required.

For stage III patients, we should also strive for radical surgery. For stage IV patients who cannot undergo radical surgery or have distant metastases, palliative surgery can be performed, combined with radiotherapy, chemotherapy, endocrine therapy, or traditional Chinese medicine and supportive treatment.

As long as early diagnosis, timely treatment, removal of the lesion and corresponding treatment methods, the prognosis of breast cancer patients is quite good.



Reservation: if it is beautiful

What is the purpose of disease treatment? In addition to prolonging life, the other is to improve the quality of life!

For women, breasts are different from other organs. They not only perform physiological functions such as breastfeeding, but are also an important feature of showing feminine charm. While bringing beauty, it also gives women self-confidence. Therefore, mastectomy not only considers the disease itself, but also needs to be determined according to the patient’s personal wishes, psychological conditions and characteristics of the disease.

Many breast augmentation patients are not suitable for breast-conserving treatment because it is discovered late and missed the opportunity for early treatment. However, some patients whose prosthesis is implanted under the muscle instead of under the skin, or the individual has good health care habits, usually pay attention to the self-examination and regular examination of the breast, so that the disease can be detected in time. Moreover, some breast augmentation patients may not have very small breasts, so they are also suitable for breast-conserving surgery.


Breast-conserving treatment can achieve better results only if the following conditions are met: breast cancer is in clinical stage I and II, and the diameter of the tumor is less than 3 cm, and the smaller is more appropriate; the cancer focus is close to the periphery of the breast; single focus; the boundary is clear; There is no metastasis in surrounding lymph nodes. This kind of surgery is not only easy to recover after the operation, but also maintains the shape of the breast.

Breast-conserving therapy, combined with postoperative radiotherapy and chemotherapy, does not affect the efficacy of early breast cancer patients, and at the same time preserves the breasts, which is quite attractive for breast cancer patients who have undergone breast augmentation. Therefore, for some patients who are very concerned about how to preserve their breasts, even willing to take a certain risk and sacrifice a certain effect, if they meet the corresponding indications, they can consider breast-conserving therapy.



Breast-conserving treatment: the price of both health and beauty

Breast cancer patients after breast-conserving surgery need follow-up treatment, that is, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and sometimes endocrine therapy, which is the so-called “minor surgery and major radiotherapy.” However, radiotherapy needs to consider the impact of implant materials on radiation. However, chemotherapy and endocrine therapy have little effect on breast preservation.

The implant materials for breast augmentation surgery can be divided into two types: autologous and allogeneic. The autogenous material has little effect on the radiation, but the radiation may increase fat hardening and necrosis, which may cause some people to undergo plastic surgery again. The nature of the allograft implant material is different from that of human tissue, and it will affect the radiation dose distribution to a certain extent, which requires special attention from radiotherapists.


In addition, fighting cancer is a long-term process. After breast-conserving surgery, patients should check themselves frequently and go to the hospital every three months. Pay attention to whether there are new nodules and lumps around the incision and the entire breast. Once an abnormality is found, a molybdenum/rhodium target X-ray should be performed immediately , Ultrasound and other examinations, and find recurrence or metastasis in time.




Can patients still keep breast if breast augmentation develops into cancer?

(source:internet, reference only)

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