July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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BMJ: NHS is not coexisting with COVID-19 but dying from the COVID-19

BMJ: NHS is not coexisting with COVID-19 but dying from the COVID-19


BMJ: NHS is not coexisting with COVID-19 but dying from the COVID-19

 “The UK National Health Service (NHS) did not coexist with the COVID-19, but died of the COVID-19.”

Alastair McClellan (Kamran Abbasi), editor-in-chief of the British Medical Journal (BMJ) and Kamran Abbasi, editor-in-chief of the Health Services Journal (HSJ)  jointly published a report to  elaborate the dilemma of NHS on the official website.


The two editors said that at present, the UK’s attempt to coexist with the COVID-19 is the last straw to crush the NHS.

The continuous waves of the new coronavirus have led to a surge in the number of hospitalizations, and the continuous spread of the COVID-19 virus and the COVID-19 sequelae have intensified In addition, the COVID-19 epidemic inside and outside the hospital has also led to a shortage of medical personnel, further exacerbating the shortage of medical resources in the UK. under these factors. Britain’s NHS is on the brink of collapse.


But the collapse of the medical system caused by the COVID-19 has been completely ignored by politics, the public and the media, and the British government’s way of dealing with the COVID-19 is just “pretending he does not exist”.

The BMJ requires the British government to stop fooling the public, honestly release information about the epidemic to the public, and reintroduce a series of anti-epidemic measures, including the mask order and free nucleic acid.


BMJ: NHS is not coexisting with COVID-19 but dying from the COVID-19

screenshot of the report


BMJ: NHS is not coexisting with COVID-19 but dying from the COVID-19

Alastair McClellan, editor-in-chief of BMJ



BMJ: NHS is not coexisting with COVID-19 but dying from the COVID-19

Kamran Abbasi, Editor-in-chief of HSJ



The two editor-in-chief wrote directly at the beginning of the article: “The government must be honest about the threat that the epidemic still poses.”


Right now, headlines will focus on the medical stress brought on by the heatwave and the most visible signs of a health system collapse as ambulances line up outside hospitals.

However, as readers are well aware, this predicament is the culmination of a combination of factors, including but not limited to the persistent underfunding of the healthcare system in recent years, the lack of proper workforce planning, and the failure of social security reforms due to cowardice and shortsightedness.


And then there’s the problem that we’re tired of Covid-19. Most people (including a lot of NHS insiders) are fed up with the problem and are eager to leave it behind.

But now it’s time to face the reality that the country’s attempt to coexist with Covid-19 is the last straw that will crush the NHS.

In 2020 and 2021, the NHS responded to Covid-19 by interrupting or slowing routine medical work.

2022 was supposed to be a year of return to normal, with NHS England returning to quality and fairness in healthcare, the number of people waiting for various surgeries, oncology and psychiatry should drop dramatically, and general outpatient workloads should start to drop.


One of the premise behind this idea is that the COVID-19 will cause only minor harm most of the time, possibly only in a wave when winter comes.

But it’s July, and the UK and NHS have already experienced two other waves of outbreaks this year, just under three months apart.

The current wave of hospitalizations from the two Omicron variants, BA.4 and BA.5, may peak in the next few days, while other variants are poised to spread globally in the near future.


In the first six-and-a-half months of this year, Gran Hospital treated an average of more than 9,000 COVID-19-positive patients per week.

In 2021, the number is less than 6,000, and most are concentrated in the first two months of last year. The average number for 2020 is less than 7,000.

Omicron is not particularly serious, and less than 40% of patients in the UK are currently hospitalized because of the COVID-19.

But Covid-19 has become an accelerant for many other diseases, resulting in less effective treatment and longer recovery times.

Quarantine measures against the COVID-19 are also an additional burden on medical care. Nosocomial infections have also led to a shortage of medical staff, affecting an already severely understaffed and overworked medical workforce.


The data on admissions do not include the “long COVID-19” crowd.

Today, there are about 2 million patients with “long-term COVID-19 (referring to the long-term sequelae after the COVID-19)” (the total population of the UK is about 65 million), which is likely to become a heavy burden on the medical system and national productivity that a generation needs to bear.

In addition, there are many lesser-known but still severely affected aspects of the ongoing outbreak, such as the NHS’s increasingly difficult supply of blood banks.




Government complacency

How does the government respond to such a crisis? Much of it just pretends it doesn’t exist , or claims complete control .

Last week, the government’s health system spokesman repeated the lie in the House of Lords: “We have managed to break the link between infection and admission, and admission to death (meaning controlling severe and fatality rates).”


However, even considering only hospital admissions due to Covid-19, the severe illness rate is not under control.

As for deaths, the latest figures show nearly 24,000 deaths “related to Covid-19” in the first six months of 2022.

Yes, that number is much smaller than the 66,000 cases in the first half of 2021, but still more than the 21,000 cases in the second half of 2021. Premier League deaths from all causes are also still above the five-year average before the pandemic.


Continued pressure from repeated outbreaks has become a major reason why the NHS has not been able to fully restore services.

The NHS was hoped to have recovered to above pre-pandemic levels by this time, with general medical activity still around 10% below 2019 levels.


The Conservative Party’s election campaign to decide the next prime minister does not reflect the NHS and the government’s failed Covid-19 response at all.

Candidates appear more keen to talk about using the power of the military to help the NHS, or to criticise the health system’s spending as “unsustainable”, rather than addressing its most pressing needs. The NHS is in crisis, but medical issues are rarely mentioned in the election campaign.


The decline of the NHS has been discussed for decades, but it has never been more real than it is today.

What is even more worrying is that the collapse of the medical system caused by the COVID-19 has been completely ignored by politics, the public and the media.




Return to epidemic prevention mode

Never in the past fifty years has so many parts of the NHS come close to being out of function.

The core of the problem is that the government and the public need to realize that the epidemic is far from over, and that certain epidemic prevention measures of the past two years need to be reimplemented.


Current epidemic prevention recommendations include wearing masks in crowded places, ensuring good ventilation and regular testing need to be more vigorously and widely promoted. Mask orders and free testing in the healthcare system and public transport should also resume.

In addition, the fourth important measure is to continue to spread the vaccine.

There is still a large unvaccinated population, especially minorities and young people.


Other measures include working from home where possible and limiting gatherings.

Governments must study how to support the populations and economies affected by these measures. Plans to contain the outbreak are described in the January 2022 BMJ issue of “Strategies for Vaccine Boosters.”


In addition, the government must stop gaslighting the public and be honest about the threat Covid-19 poses to people and the NHS . Facing the public honestly will have two positive consequences.

One is to encourage the public to cooperate with epidemic prevention measures, and the other is to hope that the whole country can have a clearer understanding of the plight of the NHS sooner.


At present, the epidemic situation in the UK is still severe.

According to statistics from Johns Hopkins University in the United States,  on July 20, 2022,  the cumulative number of infected cases of COVID-19 pneumonia in the UK was 23,282,749, and the cumulative number of deaths was 182,262.


At present, the COVID-19 epidemic continues to spread in the United Kingdom. According to statistics from the Office for National Statistics on July 15, the country had about 3.5 million new cases of COVID-19 pneumonia in the week to July 14, compared with 270 in the previous week. Compared with 10,000 cases, it has increased by nearly 30%.


The ONS said more than 1 in 20 people across the UK had contracted the virus in the week to 6 July.

Specifically, there were 2,873,600 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 pneumonia in England during that week, 334,000 in Scotland, 183,500 in Wales, and 107,000 in Northern Ireland.





BMJ: NHS is not coexisting with COVID-19 but dying from the COVID-19

(source:internet, reference only)

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