July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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Japan Launches Catering Masks

Japan launches catering masks, government appeals: wear them when eating

Japan launches catering masks, government appeals: wear them when eating. The epidemic in Japan is so severe that you have to wear a mask to eat? According to Japanese media news, Japanese Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Kenhisa Tamura said on the 12th that due to the current spread of COVID-19 epidemic in Japan, the relevant departments of the COVID-19 response should appeal to the public to wear catering masks even when eating.

Japan Launches Catering Masks

“The Asahi Shimbun”: Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare requires relevant departments to urge people to wear catering masks. “Asahi Shimbun”: Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare requires relevant departments to urge people to wear catering masks.

Japan Launches Catering Masks

According to a report from Japan’s “Asahi Shimbun” on the 12th, Tamura said on the same day that Japan’s daily increase in the number of COVID-19 infections in the past week was twice that of last week. Now all parties urgently need to realize the importance of preventing infection outbreaks. “Now is the critical juncture, the situation may deteriorate again.” He emphasized.

Japan Launches Catering Masks

According to the report, Tamura Xianjiu also asked the relevant departments of the COVID-19 response to focus on appealing to the public to wear catering masks even when eating. He said: “As long as it can be done, I hope everyone can do it as much as possible to prevent the spread of infection. Now, we have reached the most critical moment.”

Japan Launches Catering Masks

According to reports, recently, some Japanese manufacturers and the catering industry are also beginning to promote various types of catering masks. This kind of mask can also cover the corners of the mouth and other parts when drinking or eating.