July 26, 2024

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Mexico will purchase 35 million COVID-19 vaccines from China

Mexico will purchase 35 million COVID-19 vaccines from China

Mexico will purchase 35 million COVID-19 vaccines from China. Mexican Foreign Minister: 35 million doses of China’s COVID-19 vaccine will be purchased, and a deal is concluded this week.

Mexico will purchase 35 million COVID-19 vaccines from China

Haiwai.com reported on December 10 that, according to a Reuters report on the same day, Mexican Foreign Minister Esselade said on the 9th that the Ministry of Health of the country had signed an agreement to purchase 35 million doses of vaccines produced by China’s Cancino Bio. Eserad has announced the news on Twitter and said that Mexico will conclude a deal within this week


News on 15 Oct 2020

Mexico will purchase 5 million COVID-19 vaccines from China

Mexico will purchase 5 million COVID-19 vaccines from China. Based on the Wall Street Journal and other media reports, Cansinotech (370.010, 30.01, 8.83%), which has a market value of nearly 60 billion, ushered in large orders. The international phase III clinical trial of the recombinant COVID-19 vaccines (Ad5-nCoV) developed by the team of Chen Wei, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Cansinotech , has made progress in Mexico. At the same time, on Tuesday, local time, Mexico and Cansinotech signed a framework agreement to purchase 35 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines from Cansinotech . Mexico also purchased 39 million doses and 17 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine from AstraZeneca and Pfizer respectively. Cansinotech and Pfizer’s vaccines are expected to be available in December at the earliest, and AstraZeneca’s vaccines are expected to be available in March next year.


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