July 26, 2024

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Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines will start in US on Dec 14

Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines will start in US on Dec 14, and medical staff will be given priority

Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines will start in US on Dec 14. According to Reuters, as Pfizer and BioNTech plan to supply the COVID-19 vaccine to the countries most affected by the epidemic starting on the 13th, the United States’ “Temporary Movement” plan (for Army General Gustave Perna, who initiated the development and supply of the COVID-19 vaccine, said that the first injection of the vaccine in the United States will be injected as early as the 14th.

 Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines will start in US on Dec 14
Pana said at a press conference held on the 12th that medical staff and elderly people in long-term care institutions are expected to be the main vaccinators for the first wave of 2.9 million vaccines this month. Medical staff will start vaccinating as early as the 14th. Vaccination work for residents of nursing homes will begin next weekend. Pana also said that despite months of preparations, the distribution and administration of vaccines to as many as 330 million vaccine recipients still poses a major logistical challenge. It is reported that the transportation requirements for this vaccine are very complicated and must be stored at -70 degrees Celsius.

Pana said that the vaccine developed by Pfizer and its German partner Biotech will be delivered to 145 locations across the United States on the 14th, and the remaining 636 vaccination points selected in various states and regions will be delivered at 15 Vaccines will be received on January and 16. He also added that Pfizer will have more doses of vaccine available for distribution and ration every week. He also said that within three weeks, the “surge” program should enable Pfizer’s vaccine to be distributed to all medical institutions in the United States.

Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines will start in US on Dec 14


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the emergency use authorization of Pfizer vaccine on the evening of the 12th. In later trials, the vaccine is 95% effective in preventing COVID-19 pneumonia. In the United States, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 pneumonia has surged and thousands of people die every day. The capacity of intensive care units in hospitals across the United States is close to saturation, and more than 295,000 Americans have died of COVID-19 pneumonia.

With the large-scale distribution and vaccination of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine in the United States imminent, FDA executives tried to assure Americans that this record-setting speed of the vaccine was justified and did not sacrifice safety. FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn said: “We worked quickly based on the urgency of this pandemic, not because of any other external pressure.”


Pfizer’s vaccine is the first batch of new coronavirus vaccines approved for mass vaccination in the United States. Prior to the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and three other countries have also approved the emergency use of this vaccine. Among them, the United Kingdom began mass vaccination of this vaccine for the public on the 8th, but on the first day of vaccination, two people had adverse reactions. The British Drug and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) subsequently issued a warning that people with a history of “major” allergic reactions Do not get this COVID-19 vaccine.

In addition, the FDA analyzed the vaccine before approving the emergency use authorization of the vaccine and found that four Phase 3 trial participants who received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine developed Bell’s Palsy (a temporary facial paralysis), although the symptoms are usually Disappeared on its own, but it is not clear what caused this situation.

The FDA said that despite reports that two people in the UK with a history of severe allergies had serious adverse reactions after receiving the Pfizer vaccine, the vaccine is safe for most allergic Americans.


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