July 26, 2024

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Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine: Another died in Iseral

Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine: Another died in Iseral



Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine: Another died in Iseral. 2 consecutive cases! Some people died after being vaccinated with Pfizer, and many people were diagnosed after being vaccinated. How safe and effective is the vaccine?


Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine: Another died in Iseral


2 consecutive cases!

According to foreign media reports on the 30th, an 88-year-old man in Israel died after being vaccinated with Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. Earlier, a 75-year-old man in the country died of a heart attack after being vaccinated by Pfizer.

This has once again sparked controversy over the safety of vaccines. In fact, the United States has reported too many cases of adverse reactions after receiving Pfizer vaccine, and another Moderna vaccine that has just been approved has also caused severe allergies.

On the other hand, the effectiveness of vaccines is also questionable. According to overseas news on December 30, a nurse in the emergency department in the United States received the COVID-19 vaccine on the 18th and was still diagnosed 6 days later. Some infectious disease experts said that the vaccine will not immediately have a protective effect, and it will take at least 10 to 14 days to be effective.

Under the anxiety of the epidemic, the vaccination work in the United States is progressing slowly. According to calculations, it will take about 7.2 years to complete the vaccination target of 330 million people in the United States at the current rate.

01 Two consecutive deaths after receiving Pfizer vaccine

According to overseas website citing news from The Times of Israel on the 30th, an 88-year-old man in the country died a few hours after receiving Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

According to reports, the 88-year-old passed away in a Jerusalem hospital after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. The doctor said in a statement that the patient had previously had serious health problems. As part of Israel’s mass vaccination plan, the man received the first dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine on the afternoon of the 29th and then fell at home.


Earlier, according to the reference news network on the 29th, citing foreign media reports, a 75-year-old man in northern Israel died of a heart attack on the morning of the 28th local time about two hours after being vaccinated with Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.’s COVID-19 pneumonia vaccine.

According to the report, the Israeli Ministry of Health confirmed that the man had an underlying disease before being vaccinated, and that he had suffered multiple heart attacks. Hezi Levy, the director-general of the Israeli Ministry of Health, said that an investigation into the incident has been initiated. Levy pointed out that the initial findings did not indicate that the man’s death was related to vaccination.

02 Multiple people diagnosed after being vaccinated

According to overseas news on December 30, a nurse in the emergency department in the United States received the COVID-19 vaccine on the 18th and was still diagnosed 6 days later.

According to reports, Matthew W., a 45-year-old male nurse in the emergency room in San Diego, California, received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine on December 18. At that time, the only side effect that occurred was muscle soreness in his arms. However, he did not expect that Matthew developed chills, muscle pain and fatigue six days later. After testing, he was diagnosed with new coronavirus pneumonia.

This is not the only case confirmed after vaccination. Christian Ramers, an infectious disease expert at the San Diego Family Health Center, said he was aware of several other cases in the San Diego area that were still confirmed by medical staff after being vaccinated. He said this indicates that the results of the vaccine are not immediate and the vaccine is not provided. Comprehensive protection.

Ramos said that this situation is not unexpected, because after the vaccination, it takes about 10 to 14 days before the protective effect appears, and a second dose of vaccine is required. “The protective power of the first injection is about 50%. %, the second time it will increase to 95%.”

In addition, the incubation period of new coronavirus pneumonia is longer, and Matthew may have been infected before the vaccination. Ramos said all this means that even though the vaccine is beginning to end the epidemic, the public must still adhere to basic public health guidelines. “In short, wearing a mask, washing hands and maintaining social distance are the most important measures to prevent the epidemic.”

According to CCTV News and local media reports, the health department of Catalonia, Spain, reported on December 29 local time that a nurse in a nursing home in the province of Lleida in the region tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. She was vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine on December 27 and received a viral nucleic acid test about 24 hours later. The local health department stated that the entire vaccination process has strictly complied with various safety and protective measures. 4 staff and 66 elderly people are currently undergoing preventive isolation, 61 of whom have been vaccinated, and all personnel will be vaccinated again on the 31st. Virus detection and screening.

03 Vaccination in the United States is slow, and it may take 7.2 years to complete the vaccination target of 330 million people

According to media reports, the United States originally promised to ensure that 20 million people will be vaccinated in the United States by the end of the year, but this goal is likely to fall. Since the start of the vaccination plan on December 14, only 2 million people in the United States have been vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine, and currently only 10% of the target has been achieved.

According to the latest report on the World Wide Web on December 30, US President-elect Biden criticized that the United States is currently slow in vaccination. At this rate, it may take several years to complete the vaccination target of 330 million people in the United States. Gottlieb, the former director of the US FDA, criticized that certain states did not even start vaccination work until the 28th.

According to estimates, the United States currently vaccinates an average of 125,000 people every day, and it takes about 7.2 years for 330 million people to be vaccinated.

In other words, according to the current rate of vaccination in the United States, it will take another 7 years for the country to completely control the epidemic. However, the epidemic in the United States is still quite severe. Biden’s Covid-19 consultant warned that January 2021 might welcome the worst epidemic in history. To make matters worse, the Governor of Colorado in the United States pointed out that confirmed cases of the mutant new coronavirus have been found, which may aggravate the spread of the epidemic in the United States.

Haiwai.com reported that the latest foreign media report believes that the United States has a slower vaccination rate. If the country does not change its vaccination plan, it will take about 10 years to meet the vaccination needs of 330 million Americans.

In fact, the current US vaccine stocks are sufficient. According to statistics, under the “vaccine priority order”, as of the end of this year, the United States can obtain 20 million doses of Pfizer vaccine and 20 million doses of Moderna vaccine. It can be said that the country is fully capable of fulfilling the target of 20 million doses of vaccine, but currently only 2 million doses are vaccinated.

In response, U.S. Department of Health Assistant Secretary Girol said that they also hope that the vaccination rate will be faster, but this year’s 20 million vaccination target is indeed not achieved. They can only arrange for another 30 million doses of vaccine in January next year and another vaccination in February 2021. 50 million doses of vaccine.


(source:internet, reference only)


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