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Misunderstandings in the treatment of hepatitis B

Misunderstandings in the treatment of hepatitis B

Misunderstandings in the treatment of hepatitis B. Most hepatitis B patients are very concerned about the treatment information of hepatitis B, but there are many misunderstandings.

Misunderstandings in the treatment of hepatitis B


Will the liver be cirrhotic after being infected with hepatitis B virus?

It can be said; hepatitis B virus infection is a risk factor for liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Among chronic hepatitis B virus infections, about one-third will develop chronic hepatitis. If these chronic hepatitis B patients are not treated, 12%-25% may develop cirrhosis within 5 years. If patients with cirrhosis are not treated, 20%-23% may develop liver failure within 5 years and require liver transplantation; 6%-15% will develop hepatocellular carcinoma.


Can infection with hepatitis B be cured?

Most adults who are infected will clear the virus by themselves and produce hepatitis B antibodies, which means they can heal themselves. However, a small number of adult patients with hepatitis B infection will have a chronic disease due to their weakened immunity. In addition, most children will become chronically infected with hepatitis B.

There is currently no cure for chronic hepatitis B. Generally, only drugs can be used to control the disease, so as to achieve clinical cure. Generally, patients need long-term drug therapy, such as nucleotide drugs and interferon drugs. If some patients have low surface antigen and no contraindications to interferon, they can try interferon therapy, and there is a certain chance of cure.


Doesn’t it require treatment if there are no symptoms?

This is not the case. The liver is a highly compensatory organ. Many patients with hepatitis B do not have any clinical symptoms. Sometimes the patients’ liver function, B-ultrasound, and viral quantification seem to be normal, and the patient’s condition will also progress. Some patients have reached the stage of liver cirrhosis, or even liver cancer, there may not be clinical. Therefore, the need for treatment cannot be judged based on clinical symptoms, but must be evaluated based on comprehensive examination results.

Does a normal transaminase need treatment?

This view is wrong. It is precisely because of the strong compensatory ability of the liver that some patients have liver cirrhosis or even liver cancer, and they may also have normal liver function transaminase. To evaluate whether treatment is needed, it is necessary to combine a series of tests such as virus, liver function, and imaging.

In another case, although the transaminase is normal, if there is a history of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer in the family, people over 30 years old who carry hepatitis B virus, although the transaminase is normal, also need antiviral treatment to prevent the occurrence of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. .


Can liver cirrhosis be cured?

Several studies have shown that patients with liver cirrhosis can be partially reversed through effective antiviral therapy combined with anti-fibrosis therapy. The liver has a strong function of regeneration and self-repair. After long-term antiviral treatment and anti-fibrosis treatment, hepatitis B virus no longer causes damage to the liver, and the original damage can be gradually repaired. Therefore, patients with early liver cirrhosis are Conditions to achieve reversal, even some of the middle and late stages of cirrhosis, after proper treatment and recuperation, the condition tends to stabilize and improve. Bai Sheng


Can liver protectors be taken casually?

Of course not. Hepatoprotective drugs, as the name suggests, are drugs that have the function of protecting liver cells. Many patients with hepatitis B believe that hepatoprotective drugs protect the liver, so take more and regular use will not be harmful. In fact, this idea is wrong.

Abuse or multiple use of hepatoprotective drugs will not only increase the burden on the liver, but also cause liver damage. Our liver is a metabolic organ. The drug-induced and toxic reactions of any drug must be broken down and metabolized by the liver. Excessive use of drugs is bound to add a new burden to the “damaged” liver and cause liver damage.

(source:internet, reference only)

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