July 26, 2024

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Can allergic rhinitis be cured?

Can allergic rhinitis be cured?

Can allergic rhinitis be cured?   Allergic rhinitis is not terrible, but it should not be taken lightly. Active treatment can keep you away from these annoying symptoms!

The incidence of allergic rhinitis (AR) in the population of mainland China is 4%~38%. On average, there is one patient with rhinitis in four people. This incidence is still quite high.

Especially during the epidemic period, every sneeze will be looked down upon, causing great inconvenience to the life of patients with rhinitis.

Can allergic rhinitis be cured?

Can allergic rhinitis be cured?

If you have typical symptoms of allergic rhinitis such as “nasal itching, continuous sneezing, and running water,” it is recommended to do an allergen test to find allergens.

According to different allergens, there are three situations:

①Allergy caused by dust mites

This situation can be cured. And only rhinitis whose allergen is mites has a radical cure-immunotherapy (ie “desensitization treatment”).

Common clinical methods include subcutaneous immunotherapy and sublingual immunotherapy, but the treatment course is longer and the cost is more expensive.

②Other clear allergens

Other allergens cannot be cured temporarily, but the significance of allergen monitoring is to know what you are allergic to, and then try to avoid contact or eat it in your daily life, which can largely avoid the occurrence of rhinitis.

③Unclear allergens

This situation cannot be cured, and there is no target that can be avoided, but it can still be controlled.
Just like some people are more grumpy, it is impossible for him to change his personality. Although it can be controlled by self-regulation, it is impossible to say that something urgent will happen.
The same is true for rhinitis, because the patient’s allergies cannot be changed, so they will recur after encountering allergens.


Why can’t I find the allergen?

There are tens of thousands of allergens in life, and the current medical testing methods are very limited. Many patients who have tested allergens are all negative, and they suspect that they are not allergic rhinitis, or think that allergic rhinitis cannot be cured, so they simply abandon them.
This mentality is wrong.


What is the harm if you have allergic rhinitis without treatment?

1. Allergic rhinitis can cause asthma. 40% of patients with allergic rhinitis have asthma, the proportion is still very high;

2. Allergic rhinitis can lead to allergic conjunctivitis, with eye symptoms such as itching, tearing, and red eyes, that is to say: inflammation will transfer;

3. If allergic rhinitis is not treated for a long time, it can slowly develop into chronic sinusitis, nasal polyps and other diseases. Such chronic diseases are really difficult to treat, and some even require surgery;

4. The backflow of nasal secretions from allergic rhinitis to the throat can cause a type of disease with cough as the main clinical manifestation-“upper airway cough syndrome”, which is a common cause of chronic cough in children and adults in clinic. Many times the cough caused by rhinitis is mistaken for chronic pharyngitis;

5. Allergic rhinitis is a common cause of adenoid hypertrophy in children and OSAHS (sleep apnea syndrome), which is also a common cause of snoring. Over time, it will affect children’s sleep and growth.

Can allergic rhinitis be cured?

Adenoid hypertrophy





How to treat allergic rhinitis whose allergen is not clear?

Physiological sea salt water to flush the nasal cavity (Nu Si Qing, Xin Hou, etc.)

Glucocorticoids for nasal use (Renault nasal spray, Nesuna nasal spray, etc.)

Nasal antihistamines (azelastine hydrochloride nasal spray, etc.)

Oral mucus excretion promoting agent (Eucalyptus citrus enteric-coated capsules etc.)

For severe symptoms, add oral antihistamines (loratadine tablets, ebastine tablets, cetirizine hydrochloride tablets, etc.)

These methods are the symptomatic treatment of allergic rhinitis, regardless of whether the allergen can be found or not. But if you are allergic to mites, there is a cure.

But even so, many people who are allergic to mites may not be able to persist for economic reasons, and do not consider desensitization treatment, so they can still be treated symptomatically with the above methods.

In addition, it is also important to strengthen physical exercise, regular work and rest and other good habits. If the body’s immunity is strong, it will also reduce the frequency of allergic rhinitis.

Let me talk about two more tips below, I hope to help you!

①Is allergic rhinitis contagious?

will not. Allergic rhinitis occurs after people with allergic constitutions are exposed to allergens. Everyone may have different types of allergens, so clusters of disease rarely occur.

②How to distinguish “allergic rhinitis” and “cold”?

The main clinical symptoms of allergic rhinitis are nasal itching, continuous sneezing, runny nose, and nasal congestion. Among them, continuous sneezing is a “characteristic” symptom, and patients often sneeze more than 3 consecutively. It is rare to sneeze continuously like this with a cold.

In addition to nasal symptoms, many patients also have eye symptoms, including itchy eyes, tearing, red eyes, and burning eyes. In addition, patients with allergic rhinitis may also have pulmonary symptoms, such as asthma, coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness. Some patients with severe allergic symptoms may also have skin allergic reactions, such as multiple eczema all over the body.

The common cold is accompanied by systemic symptoms such as fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, and muscle aches. The cold is self-limiting, even without medicine, it will heal within 2 weeks.

Therefore, if the nasal symptoms have not improved for more than two weeks, be wary of possible “allergic rhinitis”!

In addition, children with allergic rhinitis will have some special signs:

1. Allergic shadow (allergic dark circles): refers to the shadow of the lower eyelid in children with swelling of the lower eyelid leading to venous return disorder.

2. Allergic wrinkles: Refers to the horizontal wrinkles that appear on the skin of the outer nose by rubbing the tip of the nose upward.

3. Allergic salute: The movement of rubbing the nose with the palm or fingers of the child in order to relieve nasal itching and unblock the nasal cavity. If children frequently exhibit the above-mentioned actions, parents should be aware that the child may be allergic rhinitis!

Allergic rhinitis is not terrible, but it should not be taken lightly. Active treatment can keep you away from these annoying symptoms!

(source:internet, reference only)

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