July 26, 2024

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Probably infected by COVID-19 if not smelling pepermint or coconut oil

Probably infected by COVID-19 if not smelling pepermint or coconut oil


Probably infected by COVID-19 if not smelling pepermint or coconut oil.   Best Life: If you can’t smell peppermint or coconut oil, you are probably infected with the new coronavirus.

Probably infected by COVID-19 if not smelling pepermint or coconut oil

Loss of smell or taste is one of the characteristic symptoms of new coronavirus infection. The Best life website stated that among the many scents, peppermint and coconut oil are the most special. If someone cannot smell these two smells, there is an 80% chance of being infected.

According to data from the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in the United States, up to 87% of people infected with the new coronavirus have symptoms of loss of smell or taste, and in 25% of infected people, loss of smell or taste is the first or even the only one. Symptoms.

People may block their sense of smell due to congestion or other nasal symptoms caused by upper respiratory tract infections, or they may lose function due to viruses attacking the olfactory nerve. Therefore, anosmia can be used as one of the key features in the diagnosis of the new coronavirus, and it can also help to detect asymptomatic infections as soon as possible.

How to detect symptoms of anosmia as early as possible? Indian experts conducted a set of experiments to explore which common odor has the most “indicative” effect.

The researchers selected 25 kinds of ingredients with obvious smells, selected coconut oil, cardamom, fennel, mint and garlic for testing, and then graded the smells according to sensitivity and accuracy. It was found that 50% of asymptomatic infections had symptoms of anosmia, and their ability to recognize the smell of peppermint and coconut oil was the worst. 36.7% and 22.4% of asymptomatic infected people misidentified the two odors, while 24.5% and 20.4% of infected people could not smell the two odors respectively.

Researchers pointed out that universal home screening for the new coronavirus will help control the spread of the epidemic in the community. However, formal home test kits are more expensive and have poorer accessibility. Therefore, a simpler and faster screening method is needed. Just like the infrared thermometers widely equipped in various public places, odor screening can screen some people infected with the virus early and adopt corresponding public health prevention and control measures.

Therefore, if someone cannot smell the two ingredients, they are probably infected. This method cannot be diagnosed, but it can warn them that they need to be tested for the virus as soon as possible.

If there is no coconut oil or peppermint, the following common items can also provide warning effects:

1. Coffee

If you can’t smell the aroma of a cup of coffee, this is probably a sign that virus testing is needed. Proteus Duxbury, the former chief technology officer of the Colorado Health Insurance Exchange, said that he was infected with the virus in March last year and had no symptoms of cough, headache, or fever, but all the food smelled like cardboard boxes. The first thing he does every morning is to stick his nose into the coffee pot and take a deep breath, without smelling anything.

2. Air freshener

Carl Philpott, head of the “Fifth Sense”, a British charity that supports patients with loss of smell and taste, said that in addition to garlic, coconut, coffee and other foods, some common household items can also be tested for smell, such as air fresheners and bleach. Pay attention to safety during self-inspection. This irritating volatile gas may damage the nasal mucosa.

3. Shampoo

If you can’t smell the scent of shampoo during the shower, it may be a sign of virus infection. Therefore, it is recommended to buy coconut-scented shampoo at home during the epidemic to find out if you are at risk of infection as soon as possible.

4. Citrus food

Philpott suggests that you can grind oranges, lemons, and limes in a bowl and take a deep breath to see if there is any response.

5. Essential oils

Lovers of essential oils can spray the essential oil on a fragrant sheet or paper towel and put it under the nose to try if it can smell.




(source:internet, reference only)

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