July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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Headache has replaced loss of taste as No.1 symptom of COVID-19

Headache has replaced loss of taste as No.1 symptom of COVID-19.



Headache has replaced loss of taste as No.1 symptom of COVID-19.  In the past, it was generally recognized that patients with COVID-19 would have symptoms such as coughing, fever, and loss of smell and taste.

However, a British study found that people infected with the original COVID-19 virus and the Indian variant virus have different symptoms. Especially for young patients infected with the Indian variant virus, the symptoms are more like flu, which makes them not aware that they have been infected.

According to comprehensive reports, genetic epidemiology expert Tim Spector and his team developed an APP in March last year that allows patients to record their symptoms every day to help scientists better understand the new coronavirus. After thousands of patients recorded their symptoms in the APP, the research team found that the familiar symptoms of the COVID-19 have changed.

Specter pointed out that people infected with the original new coronavirus and the Delta variant virus have different symptoms. Fever is still a common symptom of patients with new coronavirus, but now the first symptom is headache, followed by sore throat and runny nose. . According to the report, commonly recognized symptoms, such as coughing, have begun to decrease, and loss of smell is no longer one of the top 10 symptoms of the new coronavirus.

He added that young patients infected with the Indian variant virus have very different symptoms from older patients. Patients under the age of 40 will have headaches, sore throats and runny nose, while patients over the age of 40 will have the main symptoms. For headaches, runny nose and sneezing.

Spector said that because young people’s symptoms after being infected with the Indian variant virus are very similar to those of a severe cold, it is easy for young patients to mistakenly think that they have just “severe seasonal flu” and attend parties, dinners and other social activities as usual. Activities and spread the virus in the community, so Spector appeals to people that as long as they have any symptoms related to COVID-19, they must not be taken lightly and seek medical attention as soon as possible.


(source:internet, reference only)

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