July 26, 2024

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NEJM: The first rCOVID-19 vaccine study was published in top issues

NEJM: The first rCOVID-19 vaccine study was published in top issues


NEJM: The first rCOVID-19 vaccine study was published in top issues.   94% effective! The first real-world COVID-19 vaccine study was published in the top issue, and the observation of 596,000 vaccinators gave five key data.

NEJM: The first rCOVID-19 vaccine study was published in top issues

The most well-known medical journal, the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), published the highly anticipated real-world protection data of Israel’s mRNA vaccine against COVID-19 (BNT162b2) after vaccination on February 24, 2021. The data after the first vaccination of this study has been reported by Reuters; and this NEJM article more importantly reported the validity data 7 days after the second vaccination.

Immediately after the article was published, it attracted wide attention and reposts from the media. NPR even made headlines on the hourly news.

The study found that the vaccine’s effectiveness in preventing symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection 7 days after the second vaccination is as high as 94%, which is very close to the 95% of the phase 3 clinical trial results.

NEJM: The first rCOVID-19 vaccine study was published in top issues

Clalit Health Services, the largest medical institution in Israel, conducted a 1:1 ratio with unvaccinated controls for all people who were vaccinated between December 20, 2020 and February 1, 2021, based on demographics and clinical characteristics. Match analysis. The study used the Kaplan-Meier method to calculate the effectiveness of the vaccine in each case.

The vaccinated group included 596,618 people in the study. The protective data on the 14th to 20th day after the first vaccination and the 7th day and beyond after the second vaccination are as follows:

1. For infections confirmed by PCR: the protective power is 46% on the 14th to 20th day after the first vaccination; 60% in the first 7 days after the second vaccination, and 92% on the 7th day and afterwards.

2. For symptomatic COVID-19: the protective power is 57% on the 14th to 20th day after the first vaccination, 66% in the first 7 days after the second vaccination, and 94% on the 7th day and after the second vaccination .

3. To reduce the hospitalization rate: 74% of the protective power from the 14th to the 20th day after the first vaccination, 78% within the first 7 days after the second vaccination, and 87% on the 7th day and after the second vaccination.

4. For the prevention of severe COVID-19: the protective power is 62% on the 14th to 20th day after the first vaccination, 80% in the first 7 days after the second vaccination, and 92% on the 7th day and after the second vaccination .

5. Effectiveness in preventing deaths from COVID-19: 72% from 14 to 20 days after the first dose; 84% in the first 7 days after the second vaccination.

The protective power of vaccination for different age groups is roughly the same, but the protective power of vaccinators with underlying diseases has decreased. This study on the protection of people with large-scale vaccination across Israel shows that BNT162b2 can effectively prevent SARS-Co-2 infection and significantly improve the outcome of multiple diseases of COVID-19.

Attachment: The latest development of global vaccination situation

NEJM: The first rCOVID-19 vaccine study was published in top issues
(Global map of vaccination. Source: Bloomberg)

Achieving herd immunity through vaccination is the key to liberating humans from the COVID-19 epidemic. According to Bloomberg’s update on February 24, 2021, 99 countries around the world have initiated vaccination, with a cumulative vaccination of more than 218 million doses, and the current daily vaccination has reached 6.14 million doses.

At present, countries in the world are making every effort to accelerate vaccination, and Israel has the highest rate of vaccination. As of February 24, 50.7% of the Israeli population had received at least one dose of the vaccine, and 35.3% had received two doses of the vaccine. And thus become the best sample for observing herd immunity.

The real population data published by NEJM is consistent with the results of the phase 3 randomized trial. This is also the case where efficiency is close to effectiveness as I have repeatedly said. The results of Israeli vaccine research in the real world bring us comfort and test the effectiveness of the vaccine.
It is hoped that mankind can have more cooperation and mutual assistance, free from the blockade of the plague as soon as possible, and reopen again.




(source:internet, reference only)

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