Is hepatic hemangioma a tumor and how to treat it?
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Is hepatic hemangioma a tumor and how to treat it?
Is hepatic hemangioma a tumor and how to treat it? Treat actively if necessary. Many people have a strong sense of health, and many people get regular medical check-ups in hospitals.
Some people are confused with the physical examination report, “hepatic hemangioma”? Am I having liver cancer? What should I do? Do I need surgery?
Let’s learn about liver hemangioma today.
Hepatic hemangioma is actually a common benign tumor in the liver, mostly related to congenital factors. It is not a real tumor, but is caused by abnormal development of blood vessels in the liver. Most of them are single-shot, no malignant changes, and generally do not spontaneously rupture. It is more common in women.
Hepatic hemangioma is usually single, but as many as 40% of patients may have multiple foci in the left and right lobes of the liver. The lesions are several millimeters to more than 20cm, and most tumors are small (<5cm). Those larger than 5 cm are called giant hemangioma.
Clinical patients generally have no special symptoms. A few will have liver discomfort, loss of appetite, fullness after meals or belching, nausea, indigestion and other symptoms. The most common symptoms are abdominal pain and discomfort or fullness in the upper right abdomen. However, the relationship between hemangioma and symptoms is not always clear.
Patients with local liver lesions usually consider hemangioma and need to be distinguished from other tumors.
To confirm the diagnosis of hepatic hemangioma, ultrasound, CT, MRI and other imaging examinations can be used, and the diagnosis can generally be confirmed.
What are the hazards of liver hemangioma?
1. With the increase of liver hemangioma in some patients, liver function will gradually become abnormal.
2. The main function of the liver is to metabolize toxic substances and waste products, and is mainly responsible for detoxification and blood microcirculation. Hepatic hemangioma can damage the metabolism of the liver. Once the metabolic function is disturbed, the entire body will be greatly affected.
3. Hepatic hemangioma may induce a series of complications. Regardless of the size of hepatic hemangioma, it will affect the flow of blood to a certain extent, and then the various organs around the liver will cause complications.
4. Rupture of hepatic hemangioma will endanger life. Hepatic hemangioma may rupture when subjected to internal and external forces. Some hepatic hemangiomas will grow bigger with age. Some elderly people who accidentally fall or are impacted by external forces can rupture the hepatic hemangioma and cause massive bleeding. If hemostasis is not timely or ineffective, it will be harmful life.
How is hepatic hemangioma treated?
There are many treatment methods for hepatic hemangioma. The most common clinical application and the most reliable effect is surgical resection. Other methods include interventional embolization, hepatic artery ligation, hepatic hemangioma ligation, radiofrequency or microwave ablation, radiotherapy, and drug therapy.
Generally, for hepatic hemangioma <4cm, it is recommended that patients go to the hospital for regular checkups, observe them, and adopt conservative treatment methods, such as minimally invasive, medical treatment, etc. When hepatic hemangioma is larger than 4 cm, surgical treatment is necessary.
Remind everyone: Whether or not hepatic hemangioma needs treatment, patients should try their best to eat a light diet, usually eat more vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables and magnesium-rich foods, avoid greasy, thick-flavored, spicy and irritating foods, quit smoking and alcohol.
In particular, it is necessary to review regularly and dynamically observe changes in the size and number of liver hemangioma. Treat actively if necessary.
(source:internet, reference only)
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