July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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Why Sugar and Preservatives are included in vaccines’ ingredients?

Why Sugar and Preservatives are included in vaccines’ ingredients?


Why Sugar and Preservatives are included in vaccines’ ingredients?  Vaccines are hailed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as one of the ten great public health achievements of the 20th century. It is estimated that 2.5 million lives are saved from infectious diseases each year.

Thanks to vaccination, diseases like diphtheria, which were once more deadly than cancer, have been greatly reduced or even eliminated.

The benefits of the vaccine are obvious: According to CDC statistics, in the past two decades, 78.6 million children born in the United States through routine immunization will prevent 322 million people from getting sick during their lives, and 21 million people will be immunized. Hospitalized and 732,000 people died.

Due to innovations in biotechnology and chemistry, various vaccines are playing a role. By introducing modified or “mimicking” versions of diseases such as polio and measles into the human immune system, the human body can recognize and defend against these diseases in the future. Therefore, the vaccine cooperates with the body’s natural defense capabilities to help it develop immunity against diseases.

To ensure vaccine safety, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has established an approval process for the development, testing and approval of various components in vaccines. This strict multi-stage approval process may take 10 years or more. . Even after the vaccine is approved, the FDA will continue to monitor its safety.

Although vaccines are now commonplace and have been proven to be effective in eliminating once deadly diseases, wrong information may spread quickly through social media, causing people to worry about vaccines and their ingredients. The chemical ingredients added to vaccines are used for many purposes: some are to inactivate viruses or bacteria and stabilize the vaccine, while others are used to protect the vaccine from losing its effectiveness over time.

Here are some additional information about common vaccine ingredients that you may have questions:

Aluminum gel/salt:

Aluminum is one of the most common chemical elements in nature and exists in air, food and water. In some vaccines, a small amount of aluminum is added to help the body build a stronger immunity to resist the virus in the vaccine.

The aluminum additives in vaccines are especially used in vaccines against viruses such as hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and diphtheria-tetanus. The vaccines recommended by health officials for babies and children sometimes make parents question the true safety of aluminum. However, infants’ blood already contains a small amount of naturally occurring aluminum from infant formula or breast milk, about 5 nanograms (1 nanogram equals one billionth of a gram). The amount of aluminum in the vaccine is much lower than the amount that babies are naturally exposed to. According to FDA statistics, based on more than sixty years of use, vaccines containing aluminum have proven safety and are only rarely associated with adverse reactions, such as skin irritation or swelling.


Certain antibiotics, including neomycin, polymyxin B, streptomycin, and gentamicin, can be used in the production of certain vaccines to help prevent bacterial contamination and fungal growth. For example, in the production of influenza virus vaccines, antibiotics are used to reduce the growth of bacteria in egg ingredients, because these ingredients are not naturally sterile and will contaminate the vaccine.

Chicken protein: The vaccine may contain a very small amount of culture material such as chicken protein for the growth of viruses or bacteria. For example, the most common way to produce influenza vaccine is through an egg-based manufacturing process that has been in existence for more than 70 years.

Formaldehyde and other preservatives:

In the manufacturing process of virus and bacterial vaccines, trace amounts of formaldehyde have been used. In fact, formaldehyde is everywhere, our body produces it, and the gas we exhale contains no more than a few parts per billion of formaldehyde. The amount of formaldehyde present in some vaccines is too small compared to the naturally occurring concentration in the human body and does not pose a safety problem. In vaccines, formaldehyde is used to inactivate viruses (for example, the poliovirus used to make polio vaccines) and detoxify bacterial toxins, such as those used to make diphtheria vaccines, before the virus causes the vaccinated to get sick. Preservatives such as formaldehyde are also added to certain vaccines to prevent the growth of bacteria or fungi that may be introduced during the actual vaccination period.

Sugar and other stabilizers:

Sugar is sometimes used as a stabilizer to help the vaccine maintain its effectiveness during storage and transportation. The vaccine is shipped all over the world. It is essential that they function when needed, and do not reduce or lose their effectiveness due to the heat and cold of the transportation process. Other stabilizers added to vaccines include lactose and amino acids, such as glutamate of glycine and glutamate, and proteins such as human serum albumin or gelatin.


(source:internet, reference only)

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