July 26, 2024

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Diabetics try not to eat these 4 “SUGAR-RICH” foods

Diabetics try not to eat these 4 “SUGAR-RICH” foods


Diabetics try not to eat these 4 “SUGAR-RICH” foods. For people with high blood sugar, these 4 “hidden sugar” foods should be avoided as early as possible.

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease characterized by the continuous increase of blood sugar level. Although it is controlled in time after the blood sugar rises, it has little effect on the body.

However, if you do not pay attention, blood sugar will rise, which will not only cause symptoms such as vision loss, dizziness and fatigue, but also cause chronic damage and dysfunction to the kidneys, heart, blood vessels and nerves in severe cases.

Therefore, for people with high blood sugar, the prevention of diabetes must start from the lifestyle and eating habits, especially the following four “hidden sugar” foods, it is best not to eat a bite.


1. Potatoes

When it comes to diabetes, the first thing that comes to mind is that you can’t eat sweets such as cakes and candies, but potatoes, which seem innocuous, are also a taboo for diabetics.

Potatoes seem to have high nutritional value and can enhance the feeling of fullness, but the starch content is very high. If a large amount of such high-starch foods are ingested, the body will produce more sugars through digestion and hydrolysis, and thus blood sugar. Will be unstable.


2. Dried fruits

Some people cannot tell which fruits have high sugar content, so they think that after the fruits are dried, the loss of water will not cause blood sugar to rise, but in fact, dried fruits will also raise blood sugar levels to a certain extent.

Because research has found that after baking, the water in the fruit has been lost, and it can be more sweet to eat after being concentrated.


In addition, some manufacturers will artificially add saccharin during the production process, which makes it easier to fluctuate blood sugar.

Therefore, for people with diabetes, if you want to keep your body healthy, you need to know which fruits are not high in sugar, and intake an appropriate amount in the body to not raise blood sugar.


3. Hawthorn

As we all know, hawthorn is a relatively acidic food, which is why some people feel that hawthorn is not high in sugar. However, experiments have shown that hawthorn is also a high-sugar food. If hawthorn is not taboo when blood sugar is unstable, it will also increase. High blood sugar level.


4. Pickled food

The so-called pickled foods are pickles, pickles, and salted duck eggs that are more common in daily life. Speaking of this, many people must have doubts, because these foods are obviously salty and are not high-sugar foods. Why should they be taboo?

In fact, the reason is that after salt enters the human body, it will promote starch digestion and accelerate the absorption of glucose in the small intestine, which will also increase the blood sugar in the body.


If you have diabetes, what kind of fruit can you eat with confidence?

1. Apple

Apples have a sweet and sour taste. Although they contain sugar, they are not quickly absorbed by the body. And it is rich in trace elements, if eaten in moderation, it can also improve the body’s resistance.

2. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is one of the common fruits. Studies have found that grapefruit juice contains insulin, which can lower blood sugar and protect the cardiovascular system.


Cherries are rich in pectin, which on the one hand can increase the secretion of insulin, on the other hand, it can also promote the decrease of blood sugar, thereby assisting in the treatment of diabetes.



We already know exactly what kind of disease diabetes is, and the harm it brings to the human body far exceeds everyone’s imagination;

Therefore, when blood sugar rises, you must first start with the diet, the dried fruit, hawthorn, potatoes and preserved foods mentioned above.

In addition, patients have to take medication or inject insulin as prescribed by the doctor to prevent blood sugar spikes.



(source:internet, reference only)

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