July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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Why soybeans are the first choice for diabetics?

Beans are ideal food for diabetics! Why soybeans are the first choice for diabetics?


Why soybeans are the first choice for diabetics? Beans are synonymous with health and nutrition. Beans and soy products have high protein content. Soybeans are an ideal food for diabetics.

Beans are synonymous with health and nutrition. Beans and soy products have high protein content, generally between 20-40%. Soybeans have the highest content. Soybeans are called “plant meat”.

Modern nutrition research has also proved that if you insist on eating legumes every day, you can reduce the fat content in the body and improve the body’s immunity.


Soybeans are an ideal food for diabetics.

Soybeans can provide a large amount of protein and a small amount of starch, while the staple foods such as rice and noodles that we often eat can provide a large amount of starch and a small amount of protein. Therefore, the first benefit of adding soybeans to the staple food of diabetic patients is the increased starch. The amount is small, and the effect on blood sugar is relatively small.

In addition, the combination of staple foods such as rice and noodles with soybeans can increase the nutritional value of protein. The best ratio is that staple foods such as rice and noodles account for 60%, and soybeans account for 40%.

The human body’s protein is composed of amino acids. The relationship between amino acids and protein is like the relationship between bricks and buildings. Amino acids are equivalent to bricks, and buildings are covered with bricks. Therefore, the amount of amino acids needed by the human body must be sufficient, but also complete in variety, and the ratio of each other must be reasonable.

With rice noodles and soybeans, the amino acids contained in the two complement each other, which is more in line with this requirement, and the nutritional value of both is improved.

In addition, the lecithin contained in soybeans has the effects of protecting cell membranes, delaying aging, and preventing fatty liver. Soybeans are also rich in calcium, dietary fiber, and plant-based anti-cancer substances. After eating, they can supplement calcium, laxative, and have a better anti-cancer effect.


Why is it only recommended to add soybeans to the staple food of diabetic patients instead of other beans?

Because the starch content of other beans is relatively high, it will have a greater impact on blood sugar after eating. The high starch content will reduce the corresponding protein content. There is no complementarity between the amino acids of staple foods such as rice noodles, so others are not recommended. Beans.

It can be seen that beans are very important to our human health. We can’t just eat staple foods such as rice and noodles and ignore the vital health effects of beans on our human body.



(source:internet, reference only)

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